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@Serializable(with = BitSetSerializer::class)
class BitSet : Iterable<Boolean>

Pure Kotlin Bit Set created by throwing a bunch of extension functions at a MutableList<Byte>. As a mental model: this BitSet grows from left to right, just like writing a text.

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object BitSetSerializer : KSerializer<BitSet>
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De-/serializes Base64 strings to/from ByteArray

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De-/serializes Base64Url strings to/from ByteArray

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De-/serializes a public key as a Base64Url-encoded IOS encoding public key

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sealed class TemplateSerializer<T> : KSerializer<T>
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open class TransformingSerializerTemplate<ValueT, EncodedT>(parent: KSerializer<EncodedT>, encodeAs: (ValueT) -> EncodedT, decodeAs: (EncodedT) -> ValueT, serialName: String = "") : TemplateSerializer<ValueT>
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De-/serializes X509Certificate as Base64Url-encoded String


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val Base64Strict: Base64

Strict Base64 encoder

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val Base64UrlStrict: Base64

Strict Base64 URL encode


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Returns a binary representation of this byte array's memory layout Bytes are separated by a single space. An empty byte array results in an empty string.

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Returns all bits as they are accessible by the global bit index (i.e. after wrapping this ByteArray into a BitSet)