Package-level declarations


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data class AttachmentFormatReference(val attachmentId: String, val format: String)

Data class for DIDComm Messaging

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@SerialName(value = "")
class IssueCredential : JsonWebMessage
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data class IssueCredentialBody(val comment: String, val formats: Array<AttachmentFormatReference>)
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sealed class JsonWebMessage
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data class JwmAttachment(val id: String, val mediaType: String? = null, val data: JwmAttachmentData, val filename: String? = null, val parent: String? = null)
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data class JwmAttachmentData(val json: JsonObject? = null, val jws: String? = null, val base64: String? = null)
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@SerialName(value = "")
class OutOfBandInvitation : JsonWebMessage
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data class OutOfBandInvitationBody(val handshakeProtocols: Array<String>, val acceptTypes: Array<String>, val goalCode: String, val services: Array<OutOfBandService>? = null)
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data class OutOfBandService(val type: String, val recipientKeys: Array<String>, val serviceEndpoint: String)
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@SerialName(value = "")
class Presentation : JsonWebMessage
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data class PresentationBody(val comment: String, val formats: Array<AttachmentFormatReference>)
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@SerialName(value = "")
class ProblemReport : JsonWebMessage
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data class ProblemReportBody(val code: String, val comment: String? = null, val args: Array<String>? = null, val escalateTo: String? = null)
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@SerialName(value = "")
class RequestCredential : JsonWebMessage
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data class RequestCredentialAttachment(val credentialManifest: CredentialManifest, val presentationSubmission: PresentationSubmission? = null)
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data class RequestCredentialBody(val comment: String, val goalCode: String, val formats: Array<AttachmentFormatReference>)
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@SerialName(value = "")
class RequestPresentation : JsonWebMessage
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data class RequestPresentationAttachment(val presentationDefinition: PresentationDefinition, val options: RequestPresentationAttachmentOptions)

Attachment format for at.asitplus.wallet.lib.agent.PresentProofProtocol

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data class RequestPresentationAttachmentOptions(val challenge: String, val verifier: String?, val domain: String? = null)
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data class RequestPresentationBody(val comment: String, val formats: Array<AttachmentFormatReference>)