Signum – Kotlin Multiplatform Crypto/PKI Library and ASN1 Parser + Encoder
This Kotlin Multiplatform library provides platform-independent data types and platform-native functionality related to crypto and PKI applications:
- Multiplatform, platform-native crypto → Check out the included CMP demo App to see it in
- ECDSA and RSA Signer and Verifier
- Multiplatform ECDH key agreement
- Hardware-Backed crypto on Android and iOS
- Platform-native attestation on iOS and Android
- Configurable biometric authentication on Android and iOS without callbacks or activity passing (✨Magic!✨)
- Public Keys (RSA and EC)
- Private Keys (RSA and EC)
- Algorithm Identifiers (Signatures, Hashing)
- X509 Certificate Class (create, encode, decode)
- Certification Request (CSR)
- ObjectIdentifier Class with human-readable notation (e.g.
- Generic ASN.1 abstractions to operate on and create arbitrary ASN.1 Data
- JOSE-related data structures (JSON Web Keys, JWT, etc…)
- COSE-related data structures (COSE Keys, CWT, etc…)
- Serializability of all ASN.1 classes for debugging and only for debugging!!! Seriously, do not try to deserialize
ASN.1 classes through kotlinx.serialization! Use
and its companions! - 100% pure Kotlin BitSet
- Exposes Multibase Encoder/Decoder as an API dependency including Matthew Nelson's smashing Base16, Base32, and Base64 encoders
- ASN.1 Parser and Encoder including a DSL to generate ASN.1 structures
- Parse, create, explore certificates, public keys, CSRs, and arbitrary ASN.1 structures on all supported platforms
- Powerful, expressive, type-safe ASN.1 DSL on all KMP targets!
This last bit means that you can share ASN.1-related logic across platforms. The very first bit means that you can create and verify signatures on the JVM, Android and on iOS, using platform-native crypto hardware. We also provide comprehensive API docs here!
Using it in your Projects
This library was built for Kotlin Multiplatform. Currently, it targets the JVM, Android and iOS.
This library consists of four modules, each of which is published on maven central:
Name | Info |
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Indispensable ASN.1 module containing the most sophisticated KMP ASN.1 engine in the known universe. kotlinx-* dependencies aside, it only depends only on KmmResult for extra-smooth iOS interop. |
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Indispensable base module containing the cryptographic data structures, algorithm identifiers, X.509 certificate, …. Depends on the ASN.1 engine. |
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Indispensable Josef JOSE add-on module containing JWS/E/T-specific data structures and extensions to convert from/to types contained in the base module. Includes all required kotlinx-serialization magic to allow for spec-compliant de-/serialization. |
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Indispensable Cosef COSE add-on module containing all COSE/CWT-specific data structures and extensions to convert from/to types contained in the base module. Includes all required kotlinx-serialization magic to allow for spec-compliant de-/serialization. |
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Supreme KMP crypto provider implementing hardware-backed signature creation and verification across mobile platforms (Android KeyStore / iOS Secure Enclave) and JCA compatibility (on the JVM). |
This separation keeps dependencies to a minimum, i.e. it enables including only JOSE-related functionality, if COSE is irrelevant. More importantly, in a JVM, iOS, or Android-only project, it allows for processing cryptographic material without imposing the inclusion of a crypto provider.
Simply declare the desired dependency to get going:
Demo Reel
This section provides a quick overview to show how this library works. Since this is only a peek. more detailed information can be found in the corresponding sections dedicated to individual features.
Signature Creation (Supreme)
To create a signature, obtain a Signer
You can do this using Signer.Ephemeral
to create a signer for a throwaway keypair:
val signer = Signer.Ephemeral {}.getOrThrow()
val plaintext = "You have this.".encodeToByteArray()
val signature = signer.sign(plaintext).signature
println("Signed using ${signer.signatureAlgorithm}: $signature")
If you want to create multiple signatures using the same ephemeral key, you can obtain an EphemeralKey
instance, then
create signers from it:
val key = EphemeralKey { rsa {} }.getOrThrow()
val sha256Signer = key.getSigner { rsa { digest = Digests.SHA256 } }.getOrThrow()
val sha384Signer = key.getSigner { rsa { digest = Digests.SHA384 } }.getOrThrow()
The instances can be configured using the configuration DSL. Any unspecified parameters use sensible, secure defaults.
Signature Verification (Supreme)
To verify a signature, obtain a Verifier
instance using verifierFor(k: PublicKey)
, either directly on a
, or on one of the specialized algorithms (X509SignatureAlgorithm
, CoseAlgorithm
, ...).
A variety of constants, resembling the well-known JCA names, are also available in SignatureAlgorithm
's companion.
As an example, here's how to verify a basic signature using a public key:
val publicKey: CryptoPublicKey.EC = TODO("You have this and trust it.")
val plaintext = "You want to trust this.".encodeToByteArray()
val signature: CryptoSignature = TODO("This was sent alongside the plaintext.")
val verifier = SignatureAlgorithm.ECDSAwithSHA256.verifierFor(publicKey).getOrThrow()
val isValid = verifier.verify(plaintext, signature).isSuccess
println("Looks good? $isValid")
ASN.1 Parsing and Encoding
Relevant classes like CryptoPublicKey
, X509Certificate
, Pkcs10CertificationRequest
, etc. all
implement Asn1Encodable
and their respective companions implement Asn1Decodable
Which means that you can do things like parsing and examining certificates, creating CSRs, or transferring key
Parsing and re-encoding an X.509 certificate works as follows:
val cert = X509Certificate.decodeFromDer(certBytes)
when (val pk = cert.publicKey) {
is CryptoPublicKey.EC -> println(
"Certificate with serial no. ${
} contains an EC public key using curve ${pk.curve}"
is CryptoPublicKey.RSA -> println(
"Certificate with serial no. ${
} contains a ${pk.bits.number} bit RSA public key"
println("Re-encoding it produces the same bytes? ${cert.encodeToDer() contentEquals certBytes}")
Which produces the following output:
Certificate with serial no. 19821EDCA68C59CF contains an EC public key using curve SECP_256_R_1
Re-encoding it produces the same bytes? true
ASN.1 Builder DSL
While predefined structures are essential for working with cryptographic material in a PKI context, full control is sometimes required. Signum directly support this with an ASN.1 builder DSL, including explicit and implicit tagging:
Asn1.Sequence {
+ExplicitlyTagged(1uL) {
+Asn1Primitive(Asn1Element.Tag.BOOL, byteArrayOf(0x00)) //or +Asn1.Bool(false)
+Asn1.Set {
+Asn1.Sequence {
+Asn1.SetOf {
+Asn1.Set {
+(Utf8String("Foo") withImplicitTag (0xCAFEuL withClass TagClass.PRIVATE))
// ↓ faux primitive ↓
+(Asn1.Sequence { +Asn1.Int(42) } withImplicitTag (0x5EUL without CONSTRUCTED))
+Asn1.Set {
+Asn1.Sequence {
} withImplicitTag (1337uL withClass TagClass.APPLICATION)
This produces the following ASN.1 structure:
Application 1337 (9 elem)
[1] (1 elem)
SET (1 elem)
SEQUENCE (2 elem)
SET (2 elem)
PrintableString World
PrintableString Hello
SET (3 elem)
UTF8String !!!
PrintableString World
PrintableString Hello
OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.603.624.97
Private 51966 (3 byte) Foo
PrintableString Bar
[94] (3 byte) 02012A
SET (4 elem)
INTEGER (36 bit) -65789876543
SEQUENCE (3 elem)
NumericString 12345
UTCTime 2024-09-16 11:53:51 UTC
The modules Indispensable Josef and Indispensable Cosef provide data structures to work within JOSE and COSE
domains, respectively.
Since these are essentially data classes, there's really not much magic to using them.
The main reason those modules exist, is to keep the core Indispensable module small, so it can be used without pulling
in unnecessary functionality.
COSE and JOSE data types come with mapping functionality to core (Indispensable) data types,
such as CryptoPublicKey
and are guaranteed to parse and serialize correctly.
COSE Parsing (Indidpensable Cosef)
As a quick self-contained example, deserializing the following CoseSigned
structure works as expected:
val input = "d28443a10126a10442313154546869732069732074686520636f6e74656e" +
"742e58408eb33e4ca31d1c465ab05aac34cc6b23d58fef5c083106c4d25a" +
"91aef0b0117e2af9a291aa32e14ab834dc56ed2a223444547e01f11d3b09" +
val cose = CoseSigned.deserialize(input.uppercase().decodeToByteArray(Base16Strict))
.also { println(it.getOrNull()) }
The output confirms that parsing was successful:
CoseSigned(protectedHeader=CoseHeader(algorithm=ES256, criticalHeaders=null, contentType=null, kid=null, iv=null, partialIv=null, coseKey=null, certificateChain=null), unprotectedHeader=CoseHeader(algorithm=null, criticalHeaders=null, contentType=null, kid=3131, iv=null, partialIv=null, coseKey=null, certificateChain=null), payload=546869732069732074686520636F6E74656E742E, signature=8EB33E4CA31D1C465AB05AAC34CC6B23D58FEF5C083106C4D25A91AEF0B0117E2AF9A291AA32E14AB834DC56ED2A223444547E01F11D3B0916E5A4C345CACB36)
JWK creation (Indispensable Josef)
JsonWebKeys can be manually created (just as COSE keys) and converted to CryptoPublicKey
, so we can pass it to a Supreme verifier:
val parsedN = ("0vx7agoebGcQSuuPiLJXZptN9nndrQmbXEps2" +
"aiAFbWhM78LhWx4cbbfAAtVT86zwu1RK7aPFFxuhDR1L6tSoc_BJECPebWKRXjBZCi" +
"FV4n3oknjhMstn64tZ_2W-5JsGY4Hc5n9yBXArwl93lqt7_RN5w6Cf0h4QyQ5v-65Y" +
"GjQR0_FDW2QvzqY368QQMicAtaSqzs8KJZgnYb9c7d0zgdAZHzu6qMQvRL5hajrn1n" +
"91CbOpbISD08qNLyrdkt-bFTWhAI4vMQFh6WeZu0fM4lFd2NcRwr3XPksINHaQ-G_x" +
val parsedE = "AQAB".decodeToByteArray(Base64UrlStrict)
val key = JsonWebKey(type = JwkType.RSA, n = parsedN, e = parsedE)
key.jwkThumbprint //this is "urn:ietf:params:oauth:jwk-thumbprint:sha256:NzbLsXh8uDCcd-6MNwXF4W_7noWXFZAfHkxZsRGC9Xs"
key.toCryptoPublicKey().getOrThrow() //<- this we can pass to a Supreme verifier
Further Reading
Every module has dedicated documentation pages, and we provide full API docs. Also checkout the feature matrix to get an overview of what is and isn't supported.
Co‑Funded by the
European Union
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL), Project 101102655 — POTENTIAL.