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Indispensable Indispensable

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Indispensable Core Data Structures and Functions for Cryptographic Material

This Kotlin Multiplatform library provides platform-independent data types and functionality related to crypto and PKI applications:

  • EC Math
  • EC Point Class
    • EC Curve Class
    • Mathematical operations
    • Bit Length
    • Point Compression
  • Public Keys (RSA and EC)
  • Private Keys (RSA and EC)
  • Algorithm Identifiers (Signatures, Hashing)
  • X509 Certificate Class (create, encode, decode)
  • Extensions
    • Alternative Names
    • Distinguished Names
  • Certification Request (CSR)
    • CSR Attributes
  • Exposes Multibase Encoder/Decoder as an API dependency including Matthew Nelson's smashing Base16, Base32, and Base64 encoders

In effect, you can work with X509 Certificates, public keys, CSRs and arbitrary ASN.1 structures on the JVM, Android, and iOS.


Do check out the full API docs here!

Using it in your Projects

This library was built for Kotlin Multiplatform. Currently, it targets the JVM, Android and iOS.

Simply declare the desired dependency to get going:


Structure and Class Overview

As the name Indispensable implies, this is the base module for all KMP crypto operations. It includes types, abstractions, and functionality considered absolutely essential to even entertain the thought of working with and on cryptographic data.

Package Organisation

Fundamental Cryptographic Data Structures

The main package housing all data classes is at.asitplus.signum.indispensable. It contains essentials such as:

  • CryptoPublicKey representing a public key. Currently, we support RSA and EC public keys on NIST curves.
  • CryptoPrivateKey representing a private key. Currently, we support RSA and EC private keys on NIST curves. RSA keys always include the public key, EC keys may or may not contain a public key and/or curve.
    • Has an additional specialization CryptoPrivateKey.WithPublicKey that always includes a public key
    • Encodes to PKCS#8 by default
    • RSA keys also support PKCS#1 encoding (.asPKCS1)
    • EC keys also support SEC1 encoding (.asSEC1)
  • Digest containing an enumeration of supported digests
  • ECCurve representing an EC Curve
  • ECPoint representing a point on an elliptic curve
  • CryptoSignatre representing a cryptographic signature including descriptive information regarding the algorithms and signature data
  • SignatureAlgorithm containing an enumeration of supported signature algorithms
    • X509SignatureAlgorithm enumeration of supported X.509 signature algorithms (maps to and from SignatureAlgorithm)
  • Attestation representing a container to convey attestation statements
    • AndroidKeystoreAttestation contains the certificate chain from Google's root certificate down to the attested key
    • IosHomebrewAttestation contains the new iOS attestation format introduces in Supreme 0.2.0 (see the Attestation section of the Supreme manual for details).
    • SelfAttestation is used on the JVM. It has no specific semantics, but could be used, if an attestation-supporting HSM is used on the JVM. WIP!

The pki package contains data classes relevant in the PKI context:

  • X509Certificate does what you think it does
    • X509CertificateExtension contains a convenience abstraction of X.509 certificate extensions
    • AlternativeNames contains definitions of subject/issuer alternative names
    • RelativeDistinguishedName contains definitions of RDNs (Common Name, City, …)
  • Pkcs10CertificateRequest contains a CSR abstraction
    • Pcs10CertificateRequestAttributes contains a CSR attribute extension

Conversion from/to platform types

Obviously, a world outside this library's data structures exists. The following functions provide interop functionality with platform types.


  • SignatureAlgorithm.getJCASignatureInstance() gets a pre-configured JCA instance for this algorithm
  • SpecializedSignatureAlgorithm.getJCASignatureInstance() gets a pre-configured JCA instance for this algorithm
  • SignatureAlgorithm.getJCASignatureInstancePreHashed() gets a pre-configured JCA instance for pre-hashed data for this algorithm
  • SpecializedSignatureAlgorithm.getJCASignatureInstancePreHashed() gets a pre-configured JCA instance for pre-hashed data for this algorithm

  • Digest.jcaPSSParams returns a sane default PSSParameterSpec for computing PSS signatures
  • Digest.jcaName returns the JCA name of the digest
  • Digest?.jcaAlgorithmComponent digest part of the digest part of the with JCA algorithm identifier (which differs fom the above)

  • ECCurve.jcaName returns the curve's name used by JCA
  • ECCurve.byJcaName() returns the curve matching the provided JCA curve name
  • ECCurve.iosEncodedPublicKeyLength returns the number of bytes of a public key matching this curve, when exporting such a key from iOS.
  • ECCurve.iosEncodedPrivateKeyLength returns the number of bytes of a private key matching this curve, when exporting such a key from iOS.
  • ECCurve.fromIosEncodedPublicKeyLengthreturns the curve matching the length of an encoded public key, when exported from iOS. (Apple does not encode curve identifiers, when exporting keys.)
  • ECCurve.fromIosEncodedPrivateKeyLength returns the curve matching the length of an encoded private key, when exported from iOS. (Apple does not encode curve identifiers, when exporting keys.)

  • CryptoPublicKey.toJcaPublicKey() returns the JCA-representation of the public key
  • CryptoPublicKey.EC.toJcaPublicKey() returns the JCA-representation of the public key (convenience helper)
  • CryptoPublicKey.RSA.toJcaPublicKey() returns the JCA-representation of the public key (convenience helper)
  • PublicKey.toCryptoPublicKey() creates a CryptoPublicKey from a JCA Public Key
  • ECPublicKey.toCryptoPublicKey() creates a CryptoPublicKey.EC from a JCA EC Public Key
  • RSAPublicKey.toCryptoPublicKey() creates a CryptoPublicKey.RSA from a JCA RSA Public Key

  • CryptoPrivateKey.WihtPublicKey<*>.toJcaPublicKey() returns the JCA-representation of the private key
  • CryptoPrivateKey.EC.WithPublicKey.toJcaPublicKey() returns the JCA-representation of the private key (convenience helper)
  • CryptoPrivateKey.RSA.toJcaPublicKey() returns the JCA-representation of the private key (convenience helper)
  • PrivateKey.toCryptoPrivateKey() creates a CryptoPrivateKey.WithPublicKey<*> from a JCA Public Key
  • ECPrivateKey.toCryptoPrivateKey() creates a CryptoPrivateKey.EC.WithPublicKey from a JCA EC Public Key
  • RSAPrivateKey.toCryptoPrivateKey() creates a CryptoPrivateKey.RSA from a JCA RSA Public Key

  • CryptoSignature.jcaSignatureBytes returns the JCA-native encoded representation of a signature
  • CryptoSignature.parseFromJca() returns a signature object form a JCA-native encoded representation of a signature
  • CryptoSignature.EC.parseFromJca() returns an EC signature object form a JCA-native encoded representation of a signature
  • CryptoSignature.RSAorHMAC.parseFromJca() returns an RSA signature object form a JCA-native encoded representation of a signature
  • CryptoSignature.EC.parseFromJcaP1363 parses a signature produced by the JCA digestWithECDSAinP1363Format algorithm.
  • X509Certificate.toJcaCertificate() converts the certificate to a JCA-native X509Certificate
  • converts a JCA-native certificate to a Signum X509Certificate


  • CryptoPublicKey.iosEncoded encodes a public key as iOS does
  • CryptoPublicKey.fromIosEncoded() decodes a public key that was encoded in iOS

  • CryptoPrivateKey.toSecKey() produces a SecKey usable on iOS
  • CryptoPrivateKey.fromIosEncoded() decodes a private key as it is exported from iOS

  • SignatureAlgorithm.secKeyAlgorithm returns an algorithm identifier constant usable with CommonCrypto
  • SpecializedSignatureAlgorithm.secKeyAlgorithm returns an algorithm identifier constant usable with CommonCrypto
  • SpecializedSignatureAlgorithm.secKeyAlgorithm returns an algorithm identifier constant usable with CommonCrypto
  • SignatureAlgorithm.secKeyAlgorithmPreHashed returns an algorithm identifier constant usable with CommonCrypto (for pre-hashed data)
  • SpecializedSignatureAlgorithm.secKeyAlgorithmPreHashed returns an algorithm identifier constant usable with CommonCrypto (for pre-hashed data)

  • CryptoSignature.iosEncoded encodes a signature object as iOS would natively do

ASN.1 Engine Addons

Relevant classes like CryptoPublicKey, CryptoPrivateKey, X509Certificate, Pkcs10CertificationRequest, etc. all implement Asn1Encodable and their respective companions implement Asn1Decodable. This is an essential pattern, making the ASN.1 engine work the way it does. We have opted against using kotlinx.serialization for maximum flexibility and more convenient debugging.
The following section provides more details on the various patterns used for ASN.1 encoding and decoding.

Generic Patterns

As mentioned before, classes like CryptoPublicKey, X509Certificate, and ObjectIdentifier all implement Asn1Encodable while their companions implement Asn1Decodable. These interfaces essentially provide a mapping between custom types and low-level TLV structures that can directly be encoded, conforming to DER. This also means, a direct serialization of such custom types is valuable for debugging, but not for encoding. Hence, decoding a kotlinx.serialization output of those classes is unsupported.

Low-Level Addons

This module provides the following low-level addons for Kotlin MP BigNum:

  • Asn1Primitive.decodeToBigInteger() throws on error
  • Asn1Primitive.decodeToBigIntegerOrNull() returns null on error
  • BigInteger.decodeFromAsn1ContentBytes()
  • encodeToAsn1Primitive() produces an ASN.1 primitive BigInteger
  • encodeToAsn1ContentBytes() producing the content bytes of an Asn1Primitive for BigInteger