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Indispensable ASN.1 Indispensable ASN.1

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Indispensable ASN.1 Engine

This Kotlin Multiplatform library provides the most sophisticated KMP ASN.1 engine in the known universe. kotlinx-* dependencies aside, it only depends only on KmmResult for extra-smooth iOS interop. It features:

  • ASN.1 Parser and Encoder including a DSL to generate ASN.1 structures
  • ObjectIdentifier Class with human-readable notation (e.g.
  • ASN.1 Integer (variable length integer)
  • 100% pure Kotlin BitSet
  • Generic ASN.1 abstractions to operate on and create arbitrary ASN.1 Data
  • Support for all targets but wasm/WASI (due to Kotest not supporting it)

This in short, you can work with arbitrary ASN.1 structures anywhere!


Do check out the full API docs here!

Using it in your Projects

This library was built for Kotlin Multiplatform. Currently, it targets the JVM, Android and iOS.

Simply declare the desired dependency to get going:


Structure and Class Overview

As the name Indispensable ASN.1 implies, this module is indispensable, if you work with ASN.1 structures.

Package Organisation

The asn1 package contains a 100% pure Kotlin (read: no platform dependencies) ASN.1 engine and data types:

  • Asn1Elements.kt contains all ASN.1 element types
    • Asn1Element is an abstract, generic ASN.1 element. Has a tag and content. Can be DER-encoded
      • Asn1Element.Tag representing an ASN.1 tag. Contains user-friendly representations of:
        • Tag number
        • CONSTRUCTED bit
        • Tag Class
        • A set of predefined tag constants that are often encountered such as INTEGER, OCTET STRING, BIT STRING, etc…
    • Asn1Primitive is an ASN.1 element containing primitive data (string, byte strings, numbers, null, …)
    • Asn1Structure is a CONSTRUCTED ASN.1 type, containing zero or more ASN.1 child elements
      • Asn1Sequence has sequence semantics (order-preserving!)
      • Asn1SequenceOf has sequence semantics but allows only child nodes of the same tag
      • Asn1Set has set semantics, i.e. sorts all child nodes by tag in accordance with DER
      • Asn1SetOf has set semantics but allows only child nodes of the same tag

In addition, some convenience types are also present:

  • Asn1ExplicitlyTagged, which is essentially a sequence, but with a user-defined CONTEXT_SPECIFIC tag
  • Asn1BitString, wich is an ASN.1 primitive containing bit strings, which are not necessarily byte-aligned. Heavily relies on the included BitSet type to work its magic.
  • Asn1OctetString, wich is often encountered in one of two flavours:
    • Asn1PrimitiveOctetString containing raw bytes
    • Asn1EncapsulatingOctetString containing any number of children. This is a structure, without the CONSTRUCTED bit set, using tag number 4.
  • Asn1CustomStructure representing a structure with a custom tag, that does not align with any predefined tag. Can be constructed to auto-sort children to conform with DER set semantics.
  • ObjectIdentifier represents an ASN.1 OID
  • Asn1String contains different String types (printable, UTF-8, numeric, …)
  • Asn1Time maps from/to kotlinx-datetime Instants and supports both UTC time and generalized time

The asn1.encoding package contains the ASN.1 builder DSL, as well as encoding and decoding functions -- both for whole ASN.1 elements, as well as for encoding/decoding primitive data types to/from DER-conforming byte arrays. Most prominently, it comes with ASN.1 unsigned varint and minimum-length encoding of signed numbers.

ASN.1 Core

The ASN.1 engine allows decoding and encoding arbitrary structures from/to ByteArrays, as well as Source and Sink.

Relevant Indispensable classes like CryptoPublicKey, X509Certificate, Pkcs10CertificationRequest, etc. all implement Asn1Encodable and their respective companions implement Asn1Decodable. This is an essential pattern, making the ASN.1 engine work the way it does. We have opted against using kotlinx.serialization for maximum flexibility and more convenient debugging.
The following section provides more details on the various patterns used for ASN.1 encoding and decoding.

Generic Patterns

Recalling the classes in the asn1 package described before already hints how ASN.1 elements are constructed. In effect, it is just a nesting of those classes. This works well for parsing and encoding but lacks higher-level semantics (in contrast to X509Certificate from the Indispensable module, for example).


Decoding functions come in two categories: high-level functions, wich are used to map ASN.1 elements to types with enriched semantics (such as certificates, public keys, etc.) and low-level ones, operating on the encoded values of TLV structures (i.e. decoding the V in TLV). Hence, a typical decoding pipeline looks as follows:

Encoded Bytes ––––→ ASN.1 Element ––––→ Asn1Encodable rich type
06052B81040022 Asn1Element.parse() Primitive(tag=6 (=06), length=5, overallLength=7) 2B81040022 ObjectIdentifier.decodeFromTlv() ObjectIdentifier("")


Asn1Decodable provides the following functions for decoding data:

  • doDecode(), which is the only function that needs to be implemented by high-level types implementing Asn1Encodable. To provide a concrete example: This function needs to contain all parsing/decoding logic to construct a CryptoPublicKey from an Asn1Sequence, as demonstrated in the Indispensable source code.
  • verifyTag() already implements optional tag assertion. The default implementation of decodeFromTlv() (see below) calls this before invoking doDecode().
  • decodeFromTlv() takes an ASN.1 element and optional tag to assert, and returns a high-level type. Throws!
  • decodeFromTlvSafe() does not throw, but returns a KmmResult, encapsulating the result of decodeFromTlv()
  • decodeFromTlvorNull() does not throw, but returns null when decoding fails
  • decodeFromDer() takes DER-encoded bytes, parses them into an ASN.1 element and calls decodeFromTlv(). Throws!
  • decodeFromDerSafe() takes DER-encoded bytes. Does not throw, but returns a KmmResult, encapsulating the result of decodeFromDer()
  • decodeFromDerOrNull() takes DER-encoded bytes. Does not throw, but returns null on decoding errors.

In addition, the companion of Asn1Element exposes the following functions:

  • parse() parses a single ASN.1 element from the input and throws on error, or when additional input is left after parsing. This ensures that the input contains a single, top-level ASN.1 element.
  • parseAll() consumes all input and returns a list of parsed ASN.1 elements. Throws on error.
  • Source.readAsn1Element() decodes a single ASN.1 element (can be a structure or a primitive) from a Source.
  • parseFirst() comes in two flavours, both of which parse only a single, top-level ASN.1 element from the passed input
    • Variant 1 takes a Source and advances it until after the first parsed element.
    • Variant 2 takes a ByteArray and returns the first parses element, as well as the remaining bytes (as Pair<Asn1Element, ByteArray>)
  • decodeFromDerHexString() strips all whitespace before trying to decode an ASN.1 element from the provided hex string. This function throws various exceptions on illegal input. Has the same semantics as parse().

All of these return one or more Asn1Elements, which can then be passed to decodeFromTlv() if desired. Low-level decoding functions deal with the actual decoding of payloads in TLV structures.


Some low-level decoding functions are implemented as extension functions in Asn1Primitive for convenience (since CONSTRUCTED elements contain child nodes, but no raw data). The base decoding function is called decode() and has the following signature:

fun <reified T> Asn1Primitive.decode(assertTag: ULong, transform: (content: ByteArray) -> T): T
An alternative exists, taking a Tag instead of an Ulong. in both cases a tag to assert and a user-defined transformation function is expected, which operates on the content of the ASN.1 primitive. Moreover, a non-throwing decodeOrNull variant is present. In addition, the following self-describing shorthands are defined:

Function Descrption
Asn1Primitive.decodeToBoolean() throws
Asn1Primitive.decodeToBooleanOrNull() returns null on error
Asn1Primitive.decodeToInt() throws
Asn1Primitive.decodeToIntOrNull() returns null on error
Asn1Primitive.decodeToLong() throws
Asn1Primitive.decodeToLongOrNull() returns null on error
Asn1Primitive.decodeToUInt() throws
Asn1Primitive.decodeToUIntOrNull() returns null on error
Asn1Primitive.decodeToULong() throws
Asn1Primitive.decodeToULongOrNull() returns null on error
Asn1Primitive.decodeToAsn1Integer() throws
Asn1Primitive.decodeToAsn1IntegerOrNull() returns null on error
Asn1Primitive.decodeToString() throws
Asn1Primitive.decodeToStringOrNull() returns null on error
Asn1Primitive.decodeToInstant() throws
Asn1Primitive.decodeToInstantOrNull() returns null on error
Asn1Primitive.readNull() validates that the ASN.1 primitive is indeed an ASN.1 NULL. throws on error
Asn1Primitive.readNullOrNull() validates that the ASN.1 primitive is indeed an ASN.1 NULL. returns null on error

In addition, an asAsn1String() conversion function exists that checks an ASN.1 primitive's tag and returns the correct Asn1String subtype (UTF-8, NUMERIC, BMP, …). Manually working on DER-encoded payloads is also supported through the following extensions (each taking a ByteArray as input):

  • Int.decodeFromAsn1ContentBytes()
  • UInt.decodeFromAsn1ContentBytes()
  • Long.decodeFromAsn1ContentBytes()
  • ULong.decodeFromAsn1ContentBytes()
  • Asn1Integer.decodeFromAsn1ContentBytes()
  • Boolean.decodeFromAsn1ContentBytes()
  • String.decodeFromAsn1ContentBytes()
  • Instant.decodeGeneralizedTimeFromAsn1ContentBytes()
  • Instant.decodeUtcTimeFromAsn1ContentBytes()

All of these functions throw an Asn1Exception when decoding fails.

Moreover, a generic tag assertion function is present on Asn1Element, which throws an Asn1TagMisMatchException on error and returns the tag-asserted element on success:

  • Asn1Element.assertTag() takes either an Asn1Element.Tag or an ULong tag number


Similarly to decoding function, encoding function also come as high-level and low-level ones. The general idea is the same: Asn1Encodable should be implemented by any custom type that needs encoding to ASN.1, while low-level encoding functions create the raw bytes contained in an Asn1Primitive. Hence, a typical encoding pipeline looks as follows:

Asn1Encodable rich type ––––→ ASN.1 Element ––––→ Encoded Bytes
ObjectIdentifier("") oid.encodeToTlv() Primitive(tag=6 (=06), length=5, overallLength=7) 2B81040022 Asn1Element.derEncoded 06052B81040022


Asn1Encodable defines the following functions:

  • encodeToTlv() is the only function that need to be implemented. It defines how user-defined types are converted to an ASN.1 element. Throws on error.
  • encodeToTlvOrNull() is a non-throwing variant of the above, returning null on error.
  • encodeToTlvOrSafe() encapsulates the encoding result into a KmmResult.
  • encodeToDer() invokes encodeToTlv().derEncoded to produce a ByteArray conforming to DER. Throws on error.
  • encodeToDerOrNull() is a non-throwing variant of the above, returning null on error.
  • encodeToDerSafe() encapsulates the encoding result into a KmmResult.

Asn1Element and its subclasses come with the lazily-evaluated property derEncoded which produces a ByteArray conforming to DER.


Low-level encoding functions come in two flavours: On the one hand, functions exist to produce correctly tagged ASN.1 primitives exist, including tag, length, and the encoded value. On the other hand, there are functions responsible for producing only the content bytes of an Asn1Primitive. The first kind of functions rely on this second kind to encode values. Both kind of encoding functions follow a simple naming convention:

  • encodeToAsn1Primitive() produces an ASN.1 primitive corresponding to the input. This is implemented for Int, UInt, Long, ULong, Asn1Integer, Boolean, and String
  • encodeToAsn1ContentBytes() producing the content bytes of an Asn1Primitive. This is implemented for Int, UInt, Long, ULong, Asn1Integer, and Boolean.
  • As for strings: An UTF-8 string is just its bytes.

In addition, some more specialized encoding functions exist for cases that are not as straight-forward:

  • ByteArray.encodeToAsn1OctetStringPrimitive() produces an ASN.1 OCTET STRING containing the source bytes.
  • ByteArray.encodeToAsn1BitStringPrimitive() produces an ASN.1 BIT STRING, prepending the source bytes with a single 0x00 byte.
  • ByteArray.encodeToAsn1BitStringContentBytes() produces a ByteArray containing the source bytes, prepended with a single 0x00 byte.
  • Instant.encodeToAsn1UtcTimePrimitive() produces an ASN.1 UTC TIME primitive
  • Instant.encodeToAsn1GeneralizedTimePrimitive() produces an ASN.1 GENERALIZED TIME primitive

Custom Tagging

This library comes with extensive tagging support and an expressive Asn1Element.Tag class. ASN.1 knows EXPLICIT and IMPLICIT tags. The former is simply a structure with SEQUENCE semantics and a user-defined CONSTRUCTED, CONTEXT_SPECIFIC tag, while the latter replaces an ASN.1 element's tag.


To explicitly tag any number of elements, simply invoke Asn1.ExplicitlyTagged, set the desired tag and add the desired elements using the ASN.1 builder DSL:

ExplicitlyTagged(1uL) {

To create an explicit tag (to compare it to a parsed, explicitly tagged element, for example), just pass tag number (and optionally) tag class to Asn1.ExplicitTag.


Implicit tagging is implemented differently. Any element can be implicitly tagged, after it was constructed, by invoking the withImplicitTag infix function on it. There's, of course, also an option to override the tag class. Creating an implicitly tagged UTF-8 String using the ASN.1 builder DSL with a custom tag class works as follows:

Asn1.Utf8String("Foo") withImplicitTag (0xCAFEuL withClass TagClass.PRIVATE)

It is also possible to unset the CONSTRUCTED bit from any ASN.1 structure or Tag by invoking the infix function without as follows:

Asn1.Sequence { +Asn1.Int(42) } withImplicitTag (0x5EUL without CONSTRUCTED)


It is perfectly possible to use abuse implicit tagging in ways that produces UNIVERSAL tags that are reserved for well-defined types. If you really think you must create a faux ASN.1 NULL from an X.509 certificate go ahead, we dare you! Just blame the mess you created only on yourself and nobody else!

Object Identifiers

Signum's Indispensable ASN.1 engine comes with an expressive, convenient, and efficient ASN.1 ObjectIdentifier class. It can be constructed by either parsing a ByteArray containing ASN.1-encoded representation of an OID, or constructing it from a humanly-readable string representation ("1.2.96", "1 2 96"). In addition, it is possible to pass OID node components as either UInt or decimal string representation to construct an OID: ObjectIdentifier(1u, 3u, 6u, 1u), ObjectIdentifier("").

The OID class exposes a nodes property, corresponding to the individual components that make up an OID node for convenience, as well as a bytes property, corresponding to its ASN.1-encoded ByteArray representation.
One peculiar characteristic of the ObjectIdentifier class is that both nodes and bytes properties are lazily evaluated. This means that if the OID was constructed from raw bytes, accessing bytes is a NOOP, but operating on nodes is initially quite expensive, since the bytes have yet to be parsed. Conversely, if an OID was constructed from a string, accessing bytes is slow. If, however, an OID was constructed from UInt components, those are eagerly encoded into bytes and the nodes property is not immediately initialized.
Finally, it is possible to directly construct an OID from a Uuid, which directly constructs an OID in Subtree 2.35, which takes the same path as evaluating a String, but with some shortcuts.

This lazy-evaluation behaviour boils down to performance: Only very rarely, will you want to create an OID with components exceeding UInt.MAX_VALUE, but you will almost certainly want to encode a OID you created to ASN.1. On the other hand, parsing an OID from ASN.1-encoded bytes and re-encoding it are both close to a NOOP (object creation aside).

ASN.1 Integer

The ASN.1 engine provides its own bigint-like class, Asn1Integer. It is capable of encoding arbitrary length signed integers to write and read them from ASN.1 structures. It natively supports encoding from/to a two's complement ByteArray, and sign + magnitude representation, making it interoperable with Kotlin MP BigNum and JVM's BigInteger.

ASN.1 Builder DSL

So far, custom high-level types and manually constructing low-level types was discussed. When actually constructing ASN.1 structures, a far more streamlined and intuitive approach exists. Signum's Indispensable ASN.1 engine comes with a powerful, expressive ASN.1 builder DSL, including shorthand functions covering CONSTRUCTED types and primitives. Everything is grouped under a namespace object called Asn1. It not only streamlines the creation of complex ASN.1 structures, but also provides maximum flexibility. The following snippet showcases how it can be used in practice:

Asn1.Sequence {
    +ExplicitlyTagged(1uL) {
        +Asn1Primitive(Asn1Element.Tag.BOOL, byteArrayOf(0x00)) //or +Asn1.Bool(false)
    +Asn1.Set {
        +Asn1.Sequence {
            +Asn1.SetOf {
            +Asn1.Set {



    +(Utf8String("Foo") withImplicitTag (0xCAFEuL withClass TagClass.PRIVATE))

                                                            // ↓ faux primitive ↓
    +(Asn1.Sequence { +Asn1.Int(42) } withImplicitTag (0x5EUL without CONSTRUCTED))

    +Asn1.Set {
    +Asn1.Sequence {
} withImplicitTag (1337uL withClass TagClass.APPLICATION)

This produces the following ASN.1 structure:

Application 1337 (9 elem)

    [1] (1 elem)
        BOOLEAN false
    SET (1 elem)
        SEQUENCE (2 elem)
            SET (2 elem)
                PrintableString World
                PrintableString Hello
            SET (3 elem)
                UTF8String !!!
                PrintableString World
                PrintableString Hello
    OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.603.624.97
    Private 51966 (3 byte) Foo
    PrintableString Bar
    [94] (3 byte) 02012A
    SET (4 elem)
        BOOLEAN false
        BOOLEAN true
        INTEGER 3
        INTEGER (36 bit) -65789876543
    SEQUENCE (3 elem)
        NumericString 12345
        UTCTime 2024-09-16 11:53:51 UTC

You can, of course, also create primitives, by directly invoking builder functions, like Asn1.Int() and use the resulting ASN.1 primitive as-is.


The builder also takes any Asn1Encodable, so you can also add an X509Certificate, or a CryptoPublicKey using the same concise syntax.
Do checkout the API docs for a full list of builder functions!