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object Asn1

Namespace object for ASN.1 builder DSL functions and utility functions for creating ASN.1 primitives

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Interface providing convenience methods to decode from ASN.1. Especially useful when companion objects of classes implementing Asn1Encodable implement it.

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@Serializable(with = Asn1EncodableSerializer::class)
sealed class Asn1Element

Base ASN.1 data class. Can either be a primitive (holding a value), or a structure (holding other ASN.1 elements)

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Interface providing methods to encode to ASN.1

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object Asn1EncodableSerializer : KSerializer<Asn1Element>
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open class Asn1Exception(message: String?, cause: Throwable?) : Throwable
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Interface describing an ASN.1 OCTET STRING. This is really more of a crutch, since an octet string is either an

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open class Asn1Primitive(tag: UByte, content: ByteArray) : Asn1Element

ASN.1 primitive. Hold o children, but content under tag

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ASN.1 OCTET STRING 0x04 (BERTags.OCTET_STRING) containing data, which does not decode to an Asn1Element

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open class Asn1Set : Asn1Structure

ASN.1 SET 0x31 (DERTags.DER_SET)

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sealed class Asn1String : Asn1Encodable<Asn1Primitive>

ASN.! String class used as wrapper do discriminate between different ASN.1 string types

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sealed class Asn1Structure : Asn1Element

ASN.1 structure. Contains no data itself, but holds zero or more children

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Explicit ASN.1 Tag. Can contain any number of children

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class Asn1TagMismatchException(val expected: UByte, val actual: UByte, detailedMessage: String? = null) : Asn1Exception
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@Serializable(with = CertTimeStampSerializer::class)
class Asn1Time(instant: Instant, formatOverride: Asn1Time.Format? = null) : Asn1Encodable<Asn1Primitive>

ASN.1 TIME (required since GENERALIZED TIME and UTC TIME exist)

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Class Providing a DSL for creating arbitrary ASN.1 structures. You will almost certainly never use it directly, but rather use it as follows:

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object BERTags
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object CertTimeStampSerializer : KSerializer<Asn1Time>
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object DERTags
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interface Identifiable

Adds oid to the implementing class

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object KnownOIDs
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@Serializable(with = ObjectIdSerializer::class)
class ObjectIdentifier constructor(val nodes: UInt) : Asn1Encodable<Asn1Primitive>

ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER featuring the most cursed encoding of numbers known to man, which probably surfaced due to an ungodly combination of madness, cruelty and a twisted sense of humour. Courtesy of what were most probably tormented souls to begin with.

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object ObjectIdSerializer : KSerializer<ObjectIdentifier>
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data class TLV(val tag: UByte, val content: ByteArray)


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inline fun <T> Asn1Primitive.decode(tag: UByte, transform: (content: ByteArray) -> T): T

Generic decoding function. Verifies that this Asn1Primitive's tag matches tag and transforms its content as per transform

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inline fun <T> Asn1Primitive.decodeOrNull(tag: UByte, transform: (content: ByteArray) -> T): T?

Exception-free version of decode

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Encode as a four-byte array

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Encode as an eight-byte array

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Produces a GENERALIZED TIME as Asn1Primitive

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Produces a UTC TIME as Asn1Primitive

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Prepends 0x00 to this ByteArray for encoding it into a BIT STRING. Useful for implicit tagging

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Encodes a signed Long correctly to a compact byte array

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fun BigInteger.encodeToTlv(): Asn1Primitive

Produces an INTEGER as Asn1Primitive

Produces a BOOLEAN as Asn1Primitive

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Drops or adds zero bytes at the start until the size is reached

inline fun ByteArray.ensureSize(size: UInt): ByteArray
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Parses the provides input into a single Asn1Element

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fun Asn1Primitive.readBigInteger(): BigInteger

Decode the Asn1Primitive as a BigInteger

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.readBigIntegerOrNull(): BigInteger?

Exception-free version of readBigInteger

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decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an ByteArray, assuming it was encoded as BIT STRING

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decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an Boolean

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fun Asn1Primitive.readInstant(): Instant

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an Instant if it is encoded as UTC TIME or GENERALIZED TIME

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Exception-free version of readInstant

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decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an Int

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Exception-free version of readInt

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decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into a Long

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Exception-free version of readLong

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decodes this Asn1Primitive to null (i.e. verifies the tag to be BERTags.ASN1_NULL and the content to be empty

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Name seems odd, but this is just an exception-free version of readNull

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decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an Asn1String

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Exception-free version of readString

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inline fun <R> runRethrowing(block: () -> R): R

Runs block inside catching and encapsulates any thrown exception in an Asn1Exception unless it already is one

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Returns this Asn1Tagged children, if its tag matches tag

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Exception-free version of verifyTag