
@Serializable(with = ObjectIdSerializer::class)
class ObjectIdentifier constructor(val nodes: UInt) : Asn1Encodable<Asn1Primitive> (source)

ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER featuring the most cursed encoding of numbers known to man, which probably surfaced due to an ungodly combination of madness, cruelty and a twisted sense of humour. Courtesy of what were most probably tormented souls to begin with.



OID Tree nodes passed in order (e.g. 1u, 2u, 96u, …)


if less than two nodes are supplied, the first node is >2 or the second node is >39


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constructor(oid: String)
constructor(vararg nodes: UInt)


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Cursed encoding of OID nodes. A sacrifice of pristine numbers requested by past gods of the netherrealm

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val nodes: UIntArray


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Convenience function to directly get the DER-encoded representation of the implementing object

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Exception-free version of encodeToDer

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open fun encodeToDerSafe(): KmmResult<ByteArray>

Safe version of encodeToDer, wrapping the result into a KmmResult

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open override fun encodeToTlv(): Asn1Primitive
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Exception-free version of encodeToTlv

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open fun encodeToTlvSafe(): KmmResult<Asn1Primitive>

Safe version of encodeToTlv, wrapping the result into a KmmResult

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String