
data class TbsCertificate constructor(val version: Int = 2, val serialNumber: ByteArray, val signatureAlgorithm: X509SignatureAlgorithm, val issuerName: List<RelativeDistinguishedName>, val validFrom: Asn1Time, val validUntil: Asn1Time, val subjectName: List<RelativeDistinguishedName>, val publicKey: CryptoPublicKey, val issuerUniqueID: BitSet? = null, val subjectUniqueID: BitSet? = null, val extensions: List<X509CertificateExtension>? = null) : Asn1Encodable<Asn1Sequence> (source)

Very simple implementation of the meat of an X.509 Certificate: The structure that gets signed


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constructor(version: Int = 2, serialNumber: ByteArray, signatureAlgorithm: X509SignatureAlgorithm, issuerName: List<RelativeDistinguishedName>, validFrom: Asn1Time, validUntil: Asn1Time, subjectName: List<RelativeDistinguishedName>, publicKey: CryptoPublicKey, issuerUniqueID: BitSet? = null, subjectUniqueID: BitSet? = null, extensions: List<X509CertificateExtension>? = null)


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Contains IssuerAlternativeNames parsed from extensions. This property is initialized right away. This incurs some structural validation, but still allows for contents violating RFC 5280, e.g. all UTF-8 strings are accepted, even though this is too lenient.

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val issuerUniqueID: BitSet? = null
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Contains SubjectAlternativeNames parsed from extensions. This property is initialized right away. This incurs some structural validation, but still allows for contents violating RFC 5280, e.g. all UTF-8 strings are accepted, even though this is too lenient.

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val subjectUniqueID: BitSet? = null
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val version: Int = 2


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Convenience function to directly get the DER-encoded representation of the implementing object

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Exception-free version of encodeToDer

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open fun encodeToDerSafe(): KmmResult<ByteArray>

Safe version of encodeToDer, wrapping the result into a KmmResult

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open override fun encodeToTlv(): Asn1Sequence

Encodes the implementing object into an A

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Exception-free version of encodeToTlv

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open fun encodeToTlvSafe(): KmmResult<Asn1Sequence>

Safe version of encodeToTlv, wrapping the result into a KmmResult

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int