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Tries to decode src into an X509Certificate, by parsing the bytes directly as ASN.1 structure, or by decoding from Base64, or by decoding to a String, stripping PEM headers (-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----) and then decoding from Base64.

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Convenience method, directly DER-decoding a byte array to T

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Exception-free version of decodeFromDer

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open fun decodeFromDerSafe(src: ByteArray): KmmResult<X509Certificate>

Safe version of decodeFromDer, wrapping the result into a KmmResult

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open override fun decodeFromTlv(src: Asn1Sequence): X509Certificate

Processes an A, parsing it into an instance of T

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Exception-free version of decodeFromTlv

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Safe version of decodeFromTlv, wrapping the result into a KmmResult