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In Java EC signatures are returned as DER-encoded, RSA signatures however are raw bytearrays

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val r: BigInteger

r - ECDSA signature component

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val s: BigInteger

s - ECDSA signature component

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open override val signature: Asn1Element


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Convenience function to directly get the DER-encoded representation of the implementing object

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Exception-free version of encodeToDer

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open fun encodeToDerSafe(): KmmResult<ByteArray>

Safe version of encodeToDer, wrapping the result into a KmmResult

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open override fun encodeToTlv(): Asn1Element

Encodes the implementing object into an A

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open override fun encodeToTlvBitString(): Asn1Element
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Exception-free version of encodeToTlv

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open fun encodeToTlvSafe(): KmmResult<Asn1Element>

Safe version of encodeToTlv, wrapping the result into a KmmResult

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Two signatures are considered equal if r and s are equal. This is true even if they are of definite length, and the lengths differ.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String