D3.1: UC Specification WP3: OPTIONAL. An object with information how to access documentLocationUri.
D3.1: UC Specification WP3: OPTIONAL. String containing data to be signed representation as defined in CEN EN 419241-1 and ETSI/TR 119 001:2016 (as base64-encoded octet).
D3.1: UC Specification WP3: OPTIONAL. An object with information how to access documentLocationUri.
D3.1: UC Specification WP3: OPTIONAL. URL to the document to be signed (SD); the parameter hash MUST be the hash value of the designated document.
D3.1: UC Specification WP3: OPTIONAL. String containing the OID of the hash algorithm used to generate the hash listed in dataToBeSignedRepresentation
D3.1: UC Specification WP3: OPTIONAL. String containing the base64-encoded octet-representation of applying the algorithm from hashAlgorithmOid to the octet- representation of the document to be signed (SD).
D3.1: UC Specification WP3: OPTIONAL. String containing the OID of the hash algorithm used to generate the hash listed in the hash.