Combines Verifiable Presentations with OpenId Connect. Implements OIDC for VP (2023-04-21) as well as SIOP V2 (2023-01-01).
This class creates the Authentication Request, verifier verifies the response. See OidcSiopWallet for the holder.
Serve this result JSON-serialized under /.well-known/jar-issuer
(see OpenIdConstants.PATH_WELL_KNOWN_JAR_ISSUER), so that SIOP Wallets can look up the keys used to sign request objects.
Creates the RelyingPartyMetadata, without encryption (see metadataWithEncryption)
Creates the RelyingPartyMetadata, but with parameters set to request encryption of pushed authentication responses, see RelyingPartyMetadata.authorizationEncryptedResponseAlg and RelyingPartyMetadata.authorizationEncryptedResponseEncoding.
Creates AuthenticationRequestParameters, to be encoded as query params appended to the URL of the Wallet, e.g. https://example.com?repsonse_type=...
(see createAuthnRequestUrl)
Creates an JWS Authorization Request (JAR, RFC9101), wrapping the usual AuthenticationRequestParameters.
Creates an OIDC Authentication Request, encoded as query parameters to the walletUrl.
Creates an OIDC Authentication Request, encoded as query parameters to the walletUrl, containing a JWS Authorization Request (JAR, RFC9101) in request
, containing the request parameters itself.
Creates an OIDC Authentication Request, encoded as query parameters to the walletUrl, containing a reference (request_uri
, see AuthenticationRequestParameters.requestUri) to the JWS Authorization Request (JAR, RFC9101), containing the request parameters itself.
Create a URL to be displayed as a static QR code for Wallet initiation. URL is the walletUrl, with query parameters appended for clientMetadataUrl, requestUrl and clientIdScheme.clientId.
Creates a JWS containing signed RelyingPartyMetadata, to be served under a client_metadata_uri
at the Verifier.
Validates AuthenticationResponseParameters from the Wallet
Validates the OIDC Authentication Response from the Wallet, where url is the whole URL, containing the AuthenticationResponseParameters as the fragment, e.g. https://example.com#id_token=...
Validates the OIDC Authentication Response from the Wallet, where content are the HTTP POST encoded AuthenticationResponseParameters, e.g. id_token=...&vp_token=...