Package-level declarations


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@SerialName(value = "android-key")
data class AndroidKeystoreAttestation(val certificateChain: CertificateChain) : Attestation
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sealed interface Attestation
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PKCS#8 Representation of a private key structure as per RFC 5208 Equality checks are performed wrt. cryptographic properties.

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Representation of a public key structure

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Interface which holds Asn1 Encoding of a signature of a specified algorithm Allows simple ASN1 - Raw transformation of signature values

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EC Curve Class jwkName really does use established JWK curve names

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object ECCurveSerializer : KSerializer<ECCurve>
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sealed class ECPoint

elliptic curve point in homogeneous coordinates (X,Y,Z) to access affine coordinates, normalize the point. the point at infinity cannot be normalized.

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object ECPointSerializer : KSerializer<ECPoint.Normalized>
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class EncryptedPrivateKey(val encryptionAlgorithm: ObjectIdentifier, val encryptedData: ByteArray) : PemEncodable<Asn1Sequence>

Representation of an encrypted private key structure as per RFC 5208

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@SerialName(value = "ios-appattest")
data class IosHomebrewAttestation(val attestation: ByteArray, val clientDataJSON: ByteArray) : Attestation
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@SerialName(value = "self")
data class SelfAttestation(val certificate: X509Certificate) : Attestation
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sealed interface SignatureAlgorithm
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Returns the length of a private key, when it is exported from iOS. This is handy, because Apple does not encode curve identifiers, but implies them based on the length of the key

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Returns the length of a public key, when it is exported from iOS. This is handy, because Apple does not encode curve identifiers, but implies them based on the length of the key

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In Java EC signatures are returned as DER-encoded, RSA signatures however are raw bytearrays

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A digest well-suited to operations on this curve, with output length near the curve's coordinate length.

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val StrictJson: Json


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inline fun UInt.ceilDiv(other: UInt): UInt
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infix inline fun <T> Any.contentEqualsIfArray(other: T): Boolean
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Returns the curve associated with a public key exported from iOS based on the length of the key material This is handy, because Apple does not encode curve identifiers, but implies them based on the length of the key

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Returns the curve associated with a public key exported from iOS based on the length of the key material This is handy, because Apple does not encode curve identifiers, but implies them based on the length of the key

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fun SignatureAlgorithm.getJCASignatureInstance(provider: String? = null): KmmResult<Signature>

Get a pre-configured JCA instance for this algorithm

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Get a pre-configured JCA instance for pre-hashed data for this algorithm

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Parses a signature produced by the JCA digestwithECDSA algorithm.

In Java EC signatures are returned as DER-encoded, RSA signatures however are raw bytearrays

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Parses a signature produced by the JCA digestWithECDSAinP1363Format algorithm.

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Converts this X509Certificate to a This function is suspending, because it uses a mutex to lock the underlying certificate factory (which is reused for performance reasons

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blocking implementation of toJcaCertificate

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fun CryptoPrivateKey.WithPublicKey<*>.toSecKey(): KmmResult<SecKeyRef>

Converts this privateKey into a SecKeyRef, making it usable on iOS

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Finds a X.509 signature algorithm matching this algorithm. Curve restrictions are not preserved.