
EC Curve Class jwkName really does use established JWK curve names


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object Companion


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val a: ModularBigInteger

a: Curve equation coefficient See

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val b: ModularBigInteger

b: Curve equation coefficient See

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h: Cofactor of the cyclic subgroup generated by G See

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the number of bits/bytes needed to store point coordinates (such as public key coordinates) in unsigned form

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the number of bytes needed to store a public key coordinate in unsigned form

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Returns a representation of an immutable list of all enum entries, in the order they're declared.

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G: Generator of cyclic curve subgroup See

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Returns the length of a private key, when it is exported from iOS. This is handy, because Apple does not encode curve identifiers, but implies them based on the length of the key

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Returns the length of a public key, when it is exported from iOS. This is handy, because Apple does not encode curve identifiers, but implies them based on the length of the key

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the number of bits needed to store a private key in unsigned form

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val modulus: BigInteger

p: Prime modulus of the underlying prime field See

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A digest well-suited to operations on this curve, with output length near the curve's coordinate length.

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open override val oid: ObjectIdentifier
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val order: BigInteger

r: Order of (the cyclic subgroup generated by) G See

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the number of bits/bytes needed to store scalar multipliers (such as private keys) in unsigned form

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the number of bytes needed to store a raw signature (r and s concatenated) over this curve


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fun valueOf(value: String): ECCurve

Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)

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Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.