PKCS#8 Representation of a private key structure as per RFC 5208 Equality checks are performed wrt. cryptographic properties.
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SEC1 Elliptic Curve Private Key Structure as per RFC 5915 augmented with optional attributes. Attributes are never SEC1 encoded, but are relevant when PKCS#8-encoding a private key.
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class RSA constructor( val publicKey: CryptoPublicKey.RSA, val privateKey: BigInteger, val prime1: BigInteger, val prime2: BigInteger, val prime1exponent: BigInteger, val prime2exponent: BigInteger, val crtCoefficient: BigInteger, val otherPrimeInfos: List<CryptoPrivateKey.RSA.PrimeInfo>?, val attributes: List<Asn1Element>? = null) : CryptoPrivateKey.Impl, CryptoPrivateKey.WithPublicKey<CryptoPublicKey.RSA>
PKCS#1 RSA Private key representation as per RFC 8017 augmented with optional attributes. Attributes are never PKCS#1 encoded, but are relevant when PKCS#8-encoding a private key.
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