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val a: ModularBigInteger

a: Curve equation coefficient See

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val b: ModularBigInteger

b: Curve equation coefficient See

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h: Cofactor of the cyclic subgroup generated by G See

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the number of bits/bytes needed to store point coordinates (such as public key coordinates) in unsigned form

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the number of bytes needed to store a public key coordinate in unsigned form

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G: Generator of cyclic curve subgroup See

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the number of bits needed to store a private key in unsigned form

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val modulus: BigInteger

p: Prime modulus of the underlying prime field See

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open override val oid: ObjectIdentifier
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val order: BigInteger

n: Order of (the cyclic subgroup generated by) G See

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the number of bits/bytes needed to store scalar multipliers (such as private keys) in unsigned form

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the number of bytes needed to store a raw signature (r and s concatenated) over this curve