
data class CredentialOfferUrlParameters(val credentialOffer: JsonObject? = null, val credentialOfferUrl: String? = null)(source)

OID4VCI: The Credential Issuer sends Credential Offer using an HTTP GET request or an HTTP redirect to the Wallet's Credential Offer Endpoint defined in Section 11.1.The Credential Offer object, which is a JSON-encoded object with the Credential Offer parameters, can be sent by value or by reference.


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constructor(credentialOffer: JsonObject? = null, credentialOfferUrl: String? = null)


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object Companion


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@SerialName(value = "credential_offer")
val credentialOffer: JsonObject? = null

OID4VCI: Object with the Credential Offer parameters. This MUST NOT be present when the credentialOfferUrl parameter is present.

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@SerialName(value = "credential_offer_uri")
val credentialOfferUrl: String? = null

OID4VCI: String that is a URL using the https scheme referencing a resource containing a JSON object with the Credential Offer parameters. This MUST NOT be present when the credentialOffer parameter is present.


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