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interface CodeService
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Provide authentication and authorization for credential issuance.

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class CredentialIssuer(authorizationService: OAuth2AuthorizationServerAdapter, issuer: Issuer, credentialSchemes: Set<ConstantIndex.CredentialScheme>, publicContext: String = "", credentialEndpointPath: String = "/credential", credentialProvider: CredentialIssuerDataProvider)

Server implementation to issue credentials using OID4VCI.

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class DefaultMapStore<T, U> : MapStore<T, U>

Holds map in memory, protected with a Mutex, to ensure a basic form of thread-safety.

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Holds valid random values in memory, protected with a Mutex, to ensure a basic form of thread-safety.

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interface MapStore<T, U>

Provides a simple map of keys of type T to values of type U. Mainly used in OID4VCI to hold state in the SimpleAuthorizationService and WalletService. Can be implemented to provide replication across different instances of the enclosing application.

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interface NonceService

Provides generation, storage and validation of challenges used throughout the code, e.g. as challenges for presentation of credentials. Can be implemented to provide replication across different instances of the enclosing application.

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Used in OID4VCI by CredentialIssuer to obtain user data when issuing credentials using OID4VCI.

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Interface used in CredentialAuthorizationServiceStrategy to actually load user data when client requests and authorization code.

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data class OAuth2Error(val error: String, val errorDescription: String? = null, val errorUri: String? = null)

Source: OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance Published: 3 February 2023

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class OAuth2Exception(val error: String, val errorDescription: String? = null) : Throwable
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typealias Parameters = Map<String, String>
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class WalletService(clientId: String = "", redirectUrl: String = "/callback", cryptoService: CryptoService = DefaultCryptoService(EphemeralKeyWithoutCert()), jwsService: JwsService = DefaultJwsService(cryptoService), remoteResourceRetriever: RemoteResourceRetrieverFunction = { null }, stateToCodeStore: MapStore<String, String> = DefaultMapStore())

Client service to retrieve credentials using OID4VCI


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val json: Json
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val jsonSerializer: Json


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suspend fun JwsService.buildClientAttestationJwt(clientId: String, issuer: String, clientKey: JsonWebKey, keyType: WalletAttestationKeyType? = null, userAuthentication: WalletAttestationUserAuthentication? = null, authenticationLevel: String? = null, lifetime: Duration = 60.minutes, clockSkew: Duration = 5.minutes): JwsSigned<JsonWebToken>

Client attestation JWT, issued by the backend service to a client, which can be sent to an OAuth2 Authorization Server if needed, e.g. as HTTP header OAuth-Client-Attestation, see OAuth 2.0 Attestation-Based Client Authentication

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suspend fun JwsService.buildClientAttestationPoPJwt(clientId: String, audience: String, nonce: String? = null, lifetime: Duration = 10.minutes, clockSkew: Duration = 5.minutes): JwsSigned<JsonWebToken>

Client attestation PoP JWT, issued by the client, which can be sent to an OAuth2 Authorization Server if needed, e.g. as HTTP header OAuth-Client-Attestation-PoP, see OAuth 2.0 Attestation-Based Client Authentication

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suspend fun JwsService.buildDPoPHeader(url: String, httpMethod: String = "POST", accessToken: String? = null): String

To be set as header DPoP in making request to url, see RFC 9449

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inline fun <T> Parameters.decode(): T
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Reverse functionality of encodeToCredentialIdentifier, which can also handle ISO namespaces, i.e. decodes a single string into a credential scheme and format, e.g. from AtomicAttribute2023#jwt_vc_json to and CredentialFormatEnum.JWT_VC

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inline fun <T> String.decodeFromPostBody(): T
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inline fun <T> String.decodeFromUrlQuery(): T
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Empty strings can not be decoded by decodeURLQueryComponent, so we'll need to filter it.

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