
data class CredentialRequestProof(val proofType: OpenIdConstants.ProofType, val jwt: String? = null, val cwt: String? = null)(source)


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constructor(proofType: OpenIdConstants.ProofType, jwt: String? = null, cwt: String? = null)


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@SerialName(value = "cwt")
val cwt: String? = null

OID4VCI: A CWT (RFC8392) is used as proof of possession. When proofType is cwt, a proof object MUST include a cwt claim containing a CWT defined in Section

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@SerialName(value = "jwt")
val jwt: String? = null

OID4VCI: A JWT (RFC7519) is used as proof of possession. When proofType is jwt, a proof object MUST include a jwt claim containing a JWT defined in Section

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@SerialName(value = "proof_type")
val proofType: OpenIdConstants.ProofType

OID4VCI: e.g. jwt, or cwt, or ldp_vp. See at.asitplus.wallet.lib.oidc.OpenIdConstants.ProofType.