
class SimpleAuthorizationService(dataProvider: OAuth2DataProvider, credentialSchemes: Set<ConstantIndex.CredentialScheme>, codeService: CodeService = DefaultCodeService(), tokenService: TokenService = DefaultTokenService(), clientNonceService: NonceService = DefaultNonceService(), val publicContext: String = "", val authorizationEndpointPath: String = "/authorize", val tokenEndpointPath: String = "/token") : OAuth2AuthorizationServer(source)

Simple authorization server implementation, to be used for CredentialIssuer, when issuing credentials directly from a local dataProvider.

Implemented from OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (, Draft 13, 2024-02-08.


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constructor(dataProvider: OAuth2DataProvider, credentialSchemes: Set<ConstantIndex.CredentialScheme>, codeService: CodeService = DefaultCodeService(), tokenService: TokenService = DefaultTokenService(), clientNonceService: NonceService = DefaultNonceService(), publicContext: String = "", authorizationEndpointPath: String = "/authorize", tokenEndpointPath: String = "/token")


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Used to build OAuth2AuthorizationServerMetadata.authorizationEndpoint, i.e. implementers need to forward requests to that URI (which starts with publicContext) to authorize.

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Serve this result JSON-serialized under /.well-known/openid-configuration

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open override val publicContext: String

Used in several fields in OAuth2AuthorizationServerMetadata, to provide endpoint URLs to clients.

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Used to build OAuth2AuthorizationServerMetadata.tokenEndpoint, i.e. implementers need to forward requests to that URI (which starts with publicContext) to token.


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Builds the authentication response. Send this result as HTTP Header Location in a 302 response to the client.

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open suspend override fun getUserInfo(accessToken: String): KmmResult<OidcUserInfoExtended>

Get the OidcUserInfoExtended (holding OidcUserInfo) associated with the accessToken, that was created before at the Authorization Server.

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open suspend override fun provideMetadata(): KmmResult<OAuth2AuthorizationServerMetadata>

Provide necessary OAuth2AuthorizationServerMetadata JSON for a client to be able to authenticate

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open suspend override fun providePreAuthorizedCode(): String?

Provide a pre-authorized code (for flow defined in OID4VCI), to be used by the Wallet implementation to load credentials.

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suspend fun token(params: TokenRequestParameters): KmmResult<TokenResponseParameters>

Verifies the authorization code sent by the client and issues an access token. Send this value JSON-serialized back to the client.

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open suspend override fun verifyAndRemoveClientNonce(nonce: String): Boolean