
class CredentialIssuer(authorizationService: OAuth2AuthorizationServer, issuer: Issuer, credentialSchemes: Set<ConstantIndex.CredentialScheme>, publicContext: String = "", credentialEndpointPath: String = "/credential", buildIssuerCredentialDataProviderOverride: (OidcUserInfoExtended) -> IssuerCredentialDataProvider = { OAuth2IssuerCredentialDataProvider(it) })(source)

Server implementation to issue credentials using OID4VCI.

Implemented from OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (, Draft 13, 2024-02-08.


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constructor(authorizationService: OAuth2AuthorizationServer, issuer: Issuer, credentialSchemes: Set<ConstantIndex.CredentialScheme>, publicContext: String = "", credentialEndpointPath: String = "/credential", buildIssuerCredentialDataProviderOverride: (OidcUserInfoExtended) -> IssuerCredentialDataProvider = { OAuth2IssuerCredentialDataProvider(it) })


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Serve this result JSON-serialized under /.well-known/openid-credential-issuer


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suspend fun credential(accessToken: String, params: CredentialRequestParameters): KmmResult<CredentialResponseParameters>

Verifies the accessToken to contain a token from authorizationService, verifies the proof sent by the client (must contain a nonce sent from authorizationService), and issues credentials to the client. Send the result JSON-serialized back to the client.

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Offer all credentialSchemes to clients. Callers may need to transport this in CredentialOfferUrlParameters to (HTTPS) clients.