Creates an BIT STRING Asn1Primitive from bitSet. Left-Aligned and right-padded (see Asn1BitString)
Creates an BIT STRING Asn1Primitive from bytes
Adds a BOOL Asn1Primitive to this ASN.1 structure
Creates an ENUMERATED Asn1Primitive from enum by encoding its ordinal
Creates an ENUMERATED Asn1Primitive from ordinal
Creates a new EXPLICITLY TAGGED ASN.1 structure as Asn1ExplicitlyTagged using tag.
Exception-free version of ExplicitlyTagged
Safe version on ExplicitlyTagged, wrapping the result into a KmmResult
Convenience helper to easily construct explicitly tagged elements. Shorthand for Tag(tagValue, constructed=true, tagClass=TagClass.CONTEXT_SPECIFIC)
Creates a GENERALIZED TIME Asn1Primitive from value
Convenience helper to easily construct implicitly tagged elements. Shorthand for Tag(tagValue, constructed=false, tagClass=TagClass.CONTEXT_SPECIFIC)
Creates an INTEGER Asn1Primitive from value
Create a NULL Asn1Primitive
Creates an OCTET STRING Asn1Element from bytes
OCTET STRING builder. The result of init is encapsulated into an ASN.1 OCTET STRING Asn1Structure
Creates a PRINTABLE STRING Asn1Primitive from value.
Creates a new SEQUENCE as Asn1Sequence. Use as follows:
Exception-free version of Sequence
Safe version of Sequence, wrapping the result into a KmmResult
Exception-free version of SetOf
Creates a UTC TIME Asn1Primitive from value
Creates an UTF8 STRING Asn1Primitive from value