
ASN.1 OCTET STRING 0x04 (BERTags.OCTET_STRING) containing arbitrary bytes



the data to hold

When parsing, you should NOT cast to this class. Cast to Asn1OctetString instead.


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constructor(content: ByteArray)


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Raw data contained in this ASN.1 primitive in its encoded form. Requires decoding to interpret it

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Lazily-evaluated DER-encoded representation of this ASN.1 element

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Length (already properly encoded into a byte array for writing as ASN.1) of the contained data. For a primitive, this is just the size of the held bytes. For a structure, it is the sum of the number of bytes needed to encode all held child nodes.

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open override val length: Int

Length (as a plain Int to work with it in code) of the contained data. For a primitive, this is just the size of the held bytes. For a structure, it is the sum of the number of bytes needed to encode all held child nodes.

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Total number of bytes required to represent the ths element, when encoding to ASN.1.

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Transforms this Asn1Primitive' into an Asn1BitString, assuming it was encoded as BIT STRING

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transforms this Asn1Primitive into an Asn1String subtype based on its tag

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Convenience function to cast this element to an Asn1EncapsulatingOctetString

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Convenience function to cast this element to an Asn1ExplicitlyTagged

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Convenience function to cast this element to an Asn1OctetString

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Convenience function to cast this element to an Asn1Primitive

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Convenience function to cast this element to an Asn1PrimitiveOctetString

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Convenience function to cast this element to an Asn1Sequence

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fun asSet(): Asn1Set

Convenience function to cast this element to an Asn1Set

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Convenience function to cast this element to an Asn1Structure

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inline fun <T> Asn1Primitive.decode(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag, transform: (content: ByteArray) -> T): T
inline fun <T> Asn1Primitive.decode(assertTag: ULong, transform: (content: ByteArray) -> T): T

Generic decoding function. Verifies that this Asn1Primitive's tag matches assertTag and transforms its content as per transform

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inline fun <T> Asn1Primitive.decodeOrNull(tag: ULong, transform: (content: ByteArray) -> T): T?

Exception-free version of decode

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToAsn1Integer(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): Asn1Integer

Decode the Asn1Primitive as a Asn1Integer

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToAsn1IntegerOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): Asn1Integer?

Exception-free version of decodeToAsn1Integer

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToBoolean(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.BOOL): Boolean

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an Boolean. assertTag defaults to Asn1Element.Tag.BOOL, but can be overridden (for implicitly tagged booleans, for example)

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToBooleanOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.BOOL): Boolean?

Exception-free version of decodeToBoolean

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decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an Instant if it is encoded as UTC TIME or GENERALIZED TIME

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Exception-free version of decodeToInstant

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToInt(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): Int

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an Int. assertTag defaults to Asn1Element.Tag.INT, but can be overridden (for implicitly tagged integers, for example)

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToIntOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): Int?

Exception-free version of decodeToInt

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToLong(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): Long

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into a Long. assertTag defaults to Asn1Element.Tag.INT, but can be overridden (for implicitly tagged longs, for example)

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToLongOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): Long?

Exception-free version of decodeToLong

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Decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into a String.

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Exception-free version of decodeToString

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToUInt(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): UInt

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an UInt√. assertTag defaults to Asn1Element.Tag.INT, but can be overridden (for implicitly tagged unsigned integers, for example)

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToUIntOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): UInt?

Exception-free version of decodeToUInt

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToULong(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): ULong

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an ULong. assertTag defaults to Asn1Element.Tag.INT, but can be overridden (for implicitly tagged unsigned longs, for example)

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToULongOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): ULong?

Exception-free version of decodeToULong

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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decodes this Asn1Primitive to null (i.e. verifies the tag to be BERTags.ASN1_NULL and the content to be empty

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Name seems odd, but this is just an exception-free version of readNull

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fun toDerHexString(lineLen: Int? = null): String

Convenience method to directly produce an HEX string of this element's ASN.1 representation

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open override fun toString(): String
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Creates a new implicitly tagged ASN.1 Element from this ASN.1 Element. NOTE: The TagClass of the provided tag will be used! If you want the result to have TagClass.CONTEXT_SPECIFIC, use element withImplicitTag (tag withClass TagClass.CONTEXT_SPECIFIC)!. If a CONSTRUCTED Tag is applied to an ASN.1 Primitive, the CONSTRUCTED bit is overridden and set to zero.

Creates a new implicitly tagged ASN.1 Element from this ASN.1 Structure. If the provided template's tagClass is not set, the class of the resulting structure defaults to TagClass.CONTEXT_SPECIFIC. If a CONSTRUCTED Tag is applied to an ASN.1 Primitive, the CONSTRUCTED bit is overridden and set to zero.

infix inline fun withImplicitTag(tagValue: ULong): Asn1Element

Creates a new implicitly tagged ASN.1 Element from this ASN.1 Element. Sets the class of the resulting structure to TagClass.CONTEXT_SPECIFIC