Package-level declarations
CBOR Web Token (CWT)
Protected header of a CoseSigned.
Handles serialization of CoseHeader, accounting for CoseHeader.certificateChain, which may be an array OR a byte string.
COSE public key as per RFC 8152. Since this is used as part of a COSE-specific DTO, every property is nullable
Wrapper to handle parameters for different COSE public key types.
Encapsulates serializing and deserializing all types of COSE keys. Actually, no CoseKey object is ever directly (de)serialized. Instead, all the whole structure of a CoseKey is duplicated into a discrete class used solely for (de)serialization. For EC keys using point compression, this wrapper is CompressedCompoundCoseKeySerialContainer, for all other key types, it is UncompressedCompoundCoseKeySerialContainer Both od these are flattened mammoth data structures devoid of encapsulation, as demanded by the COSE spec. Internally, deserialization employs a map to as a lookup table for CborLabels to reconstruct the correct key using the flattened mammoth.
Representation of a signed COSE_Sign1 object, i.e. consisting of protected header, unprotected header and payload.
Representation of a signed COSE_Sign1
object, i.e. consisting of protected header, unprotected header and payload. It represents the bytes of the object as it has been transferred, i.e. useful for signature verification.
Serializes CoseSigned with a typed payload, by using its CoseSigned.wireFormat. Also handles deserialization of the bytes.
Tries to find a matching COSE algorithm. Note that COSE imposes curve restrictions on ECDSA based on the digest.
Converts CryptoPublicKey into a KmmResult wrapped CoseKey If algorithm is not set then key can be used for any algorithm with same kty (RFC 8152), returns IllegalArgumentException for invalid kty/algorithm pairs