Package-level declarations


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class CFCryptoOperationFailed(thing: String, val osStatus: OSStatus) : CryptoOperationFailed
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sealed class CryptoException : Throwable
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annotation class HazardousMaterials

This is an internal property. It is exposed if you know what you are doing. You very likely don't actually need it.

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annotation class SecretExposure

This guards a secret. Do not expose it lightly!

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class UnlockFailed(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : UserInitiatedCancellationReason
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open class UnsupportedCryptoException(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : CryptoException
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These map to SignatureResult.Failure instead of SignatureResult.Error


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Retrieves the contained signature, asserting it exists. If it does not exist, throws the contained problem.

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Retrieves the contained signature, if one exists.


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Transforms this SignatureResult into a KmmResult. Both Failure and Error map to KmmResult.Failure.

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Modifies the contained CryptoSignature, usually in order to reinterpret it as a more narrow type.

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Modifies the contained CryptoSignature, usually in order to reinterpret it as a more narrow type.

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suspend fun Signer.sign(tbsCertificate: TbsCertificate): KmmResult<X509Certificate>

Shorthand helper to create an X509Certificate by signing tbsCertificate

Shorthand helper to create a Pkcs10CertificationRequest by signing tbsCsr