
class ByteStringWrapper<T>(val value: T, val serialized: ByteArray = byteArrayOf())(source)

Use this class if you'll need to serialize a complex type as a byte string before encoding it, i.e. as it is the case with the protected header in COSE structures.

An example for a COSE header data class would be:

data class CoseHeader(
    val alg: Int? = null

data class CoseSigned(
    val protectedHeader: ByteStringWrapper<CoseHeader>,

Serializing this CoseHeader object would result in a10143a10126, in diagnostic notation:

A1           # map(1)
   01        # unsigned(1)
   43        # bytes(3)
      A10126 # "\xA1\u0001&"

so the protectedHeader got serialized first and then encoded as a @ByteString.

Note that equals() and hashCode() only use value, not serialized.


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constructor(value: T, serialized: ByteArray = byteArrayOf())


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val value: T


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String