Package-level declarations


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sealed interface EphemeralKey

An ephemeral keypair, not stored in any kind of persistent storage. Can be either EC or RSA. Has a CryptoPublicKey, and you can obtain a Signer from it.

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sealed class EphemeralSigner : Signer
sealed class EphemeralSigner : Signer
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class InvalidSignature(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : Throwable
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sealed interface KotlinVerifier : Verifier

A distinguishing interface for verifiers that are implemented in pure Kotlin

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sealed interface PlatformVerifier : Verifier

A distinguishing interface for verifiers that delegate to the underlying platform (JCA, CryptoKit, ...)

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Configures JVM-specific properties.

Configures iOS-specific properties.

Configures JVM-specific properties.

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sealed class PrivateKeySigner : Signer
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interface Signer

Shared interface of all objects that can sign data. Signatures are created using the signatureAlgorithm, and can be verified using publicKey, potentially with a verifierFor this object.

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DSL for configuring a signing key.

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sealed interface Verifier



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Gets a platform verifier for signatures generated by this Signer.

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fun Signer.makeVerifier(configure: ConfigurePlatformVerifier = null): KmmResult<Verifier>

Get a verifier for signatures generated by this Signer.

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Creates a signer for the specified privateKey. Fails if the key type does not match the signature algorithm type (EC/RSA)

Creates a signer for the specified privateKey. Fails if the key type does not match the signature algorithm type (EC/RSA) or if it has no public key attached This JVM-specific variant allows for optionally specifying a provider

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