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override val alias: String
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The underlying JCA PrivateKey object.

The underlying JCA PrivateKey object.

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Whether the signer may ask for user interaction when sign is called

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open override val publicKey: CryptoPublicKey.RSA
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The underlying SecKeyRef referencing the signer's private key. ⚠️ If returned from a keychain signer, must be used immediately. Do not store long term. ⚠️

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open override fun exportPrivateKey(): KmmResult<CryptoPrivateKey.WithPublicKey<*>>
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Gets a platform verifier for signatures generated by this Signer.

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fun Signer.makeVerifier(configure: ConfigurePlatformVerifier = null): KmmResult<Verifier>

Get a verifier for signatures generated by this Signer.

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open suspend override fun sign(data: ByteArray): SignatureResult<*>
open suspend override fun sign(data: Sequence<ByteArray>): SignatureResult<*>
open suspend fun sign(data: ByteArray, configure: DSLConfigureFn<AndroidSignerSigningConfiguration> = null): SignatureResult<*>

open suspend override fun sign(data: SignatureInput): SignatureResult<*>

Signs data. Might ask for user confirmation first if this Signer.

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suspend fun Signer.sign(tbsCertificate: TbsCertificate): KmmResult<X509Certificate>

Shorthand helper to create an X509Certificate by signing tbsCertificate

Shorthand helper to create a Pkcs10CertificationRequest by signing tbsCsr

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open suspend override fun trySetupUninterruptedSigning(): KmmResult<Unit>

Try to ensure that the Signer is ready to immediately sign data, on a best-effort basis. For example, if user authorization allows signing for a given timeframe, this will prompts for authorization now.