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object Asn1

Namespace object for ASN.1 builder DSL functions and utility functions for creating ASN.1 primitives

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Class Providing a DSL for creating arbitrary ASN.1 structures. You will almost certainly never use it directly, but rather use it as follows:


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the number of bits required to represent this number


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Transforms this Asn1Primitive' into an Asn1BitString, assuming it was encoded as BIT STRING

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transforms this Asn1Primitive into an Asn1String subtype based on its tag

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inline fun <T> Asn1Primitive.decode(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag, transform: (content: ByteArray) -> T): T
inline fun <T> Asn1Primitive.decode(assertTag: ULong, transform: (content: ByteArray) -> T): T

Generic decoding function. Verifies that this Asn1Primitive's tag matches assertTag and transforms its content as per transform

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Decodes an unsigned Asn1Integer from bytes using varint encoding as used within ASN.1: groups of seven bits are encoded into a byte, while the highest bit indicates if more bytes are to come. Trailing bytes are ignored.

Decodes an ASN.1 unsigned varint to a Asn1Integer, copying all bytes from the source into a ByteArray.

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Decodes an UInt from bytes using varint encoding as used within ASN.1: groups of seven bits are encoded into a byte, while the highest bit indicates if more bytes are to come. Trailing bytes are ignored.

Decodes an ASN.1 unsigned varint to an UInt, copying all bytes from the source into a ByteArray.

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Decodes an ULong from bytes using varint encoding as used within ASN.1: groups of seven bits are encoded into a byte, while the highest bit indicates if more bytes are to come. Trailing bytes are ignored.

Decodes an ASN.1 unsigned varint to an ULong, copying all bytes from the source into a ByteArray.

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Decodes a Asn1Integer from bytes assuming the same encoding as the Asn1Primitive.content property of an Asn1Primitive containing an ASN.1 INTEGER

Decodes a Boolean from bytes assuming the same encoding as the Asn1Primitive.content property of an Asn1Primitive containing an ASN.1 BOOLEAN

Decodes a signed Int from bytes assuming the same encoding as the Asn1Primitive.content property of an Asn1Primitive containing an ASN.1 INTEGER

Decodes a signed Long from bytes assuming the same encoding as the Asn1Primitive.content property of an Asn1Primitive containing an ASN.1 INTEGER

Decodes a String from bytes assuming the same encoding as the Asn1Primitive.content property of an Asn1Primitive containing an ASN.1 STRING (any kind)

Decodes a UInt from bytes assuming the same encoding as the Asn1Primitive.content property of an Asn1Primitive containing an ASN.1 INTEGER

Decodes a ULong from bytes assuming the same encoding as the Asn1Primitive.content property of an Asn1Primitive containing an ASN.1 INTEGER

fun Instant.Companion.decodeGeneralizedTimeFromAsn1ContentBytes(bytes: ByteArray): Instant

Decodes an Instant from bytes assuming the same encoding as the Asn1Primitive.content property of an Asn1Primitive containing an ASN.1 GENERALIZED TIME

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inline fun <T> Asn1Primitive.decodeOrNull(tag: ULong, transform: (content: ByteArray) -> T): T?

Exception-free version of decode

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToAsn1Integer(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): Asn1Integer

Decode the Asn1Primitive as an Asn1Integer

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToAsn1IntegerOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): Asn1Integer?

Exception-free version of decodeToAsn1Integer

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToAsn1Real(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.REAL): Asn1Real

Decode the Asn1Primitive as an Asn1Real

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToAsn1RealOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.REAL): Asn1Real?

Exception-free version of decodeToAsn1Real

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToBoolean(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.BOOL): Boolean

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an Boolean. assertTag defaults to Asn1Element.Tag.BOOL, but can be overridden (for implicitly tagged booleans, for example)

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToBooleanOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.BOOL): Boolean?

Exception-free version of decodeToBoolean

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToDouble(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.REAL): Double

Decode the Asn1Primitive as a Double. Beware of possible loss of precision!

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToDoubleOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.REAL): Double?

Exception-free version of decodeToDouble. Beware of possible loss of precision!

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inline fun <E : Enum<E>> Asn1Primitive.decodeToEnum(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.ENUM): E

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an enum Entry based on the decoded ordinal. assertTag defaults to Asn1Element.Tag.ENUM, but can be overridden (for implicitly tagged enums, for example).

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToEnumOrdinal(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.ENUM): Long

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an enum ordinal represented as Long. assertTag defaults to Asn1Element.Tag.ENUM, but can be overridden (for implicitly tagged enums, for example)

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToEnumOrdinalOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.ENUM): Long?

Exception-free version of decodeToEnumOrdinal

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inline fun <E : Enum<E>> Asn1Primitive.decodeToEnumOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.ENUM): E?

Exception-free version of decodeToEnum

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToFloat(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.REAL): Float

Decode the Asn1Primitive as a Float. Beware of probable loss of precision!

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToFloatOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.REAL): Float?

Exception-free version of decodeToFloat. Beware of probable loss of precision!

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decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an Instant if it is encoded as UTC TIME or GENERALIZED TIME

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Exception-free version of decodeToInstant

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToInt(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): Int

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an Int. assertTag defaults to Asn1Element.Tag.INT, but can be overridden (for implicitly tagged integers, for example)

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToIntOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): Int?

Exception-free version of decodeToInt

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToLong(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): Long

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into a Long. assertTag defaults to Asn1Element.Tag.INT, but can be overridden (for implicitly tagged longs, for example)

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToLongOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): Long?

Exception-free version of decodeToLong

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Decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into a String.

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Exception-free version of decodeToString

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToUInt(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): UInt

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an UInt√. assertTag defaults to Asn1Element.Tag.INT, but can be overridden (for implicitly tagged unsigned integers, for example)

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToUIntOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): UInt?

Exception-free version of decodeToUInt

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fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToULong(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): ULong

decodes this Asn1Primitive's content into an ULong. assertTag defaults to Asn1Element.Tag.INT, but can be overridden (for implicitly tagged unsigned longs, for example)

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inline fun Asn1Primitive.decodeToULongOrNull(assertTag: Asn1Element.Tag = Asn1Element.Tag.INT): ULong?

Exception-free version of decodeToULong

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fun Instant.Companion.decodeUtcTimeFromAsn1ContentBytes(input: ByteArray): Instant

Decodes an Instant from bytes assuming the same encoding as the Asn1Primitive.content property of an Asn1Primitive containing an ASN.1 UTC TIME

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Encode as a four-byte array

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Encode as an eight-byte array

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Prepends 0x00 to this ByteArray for encoding it into a BIT STRING. No inverse function is implemented, since .drop(1) does the job.

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Encodes this number into a ByteArray using the same encoding as the Asn1Primitive.content property of an Asn1Primitive containing an ASN.1 INTEGER

Encodes this boolean into a ByteArray using the same encoding as the Asn1Primitive.content property of an Asn1Primitive containing an ASN.1 BOOLEAN

Encodes this Enum's ordinal into a ByteArray using the same encoding as the Asn1Primitive.content property of an Asn1Primitive containing an ASN.1 ENUMERATED

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Produces a GENERALIZED TIME as Asn1Primitive

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Produces a UTC TIME as Asn1Primitive

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Parses the provided input into a single Asn1Element. Consumes all Bytes and throws if more than one Asn.1 Structure was found or trailing bytes were detected

Convenience wrapper around parse, taking a ByteArray as source

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Convenience wrapper around parseAll, taking a ByteArray as source

Tries to parse the input into a list of Asn1Elements. Consumes all Bytes and throws if an invalid ASN.1 Structure is found at any point.

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Convenience wrapper around parseFirst, taking a ByteArray as source.

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Decodes a single Asn1Element from this source.

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Reads all parsable ASN.1 elements from this source.

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decodes this Asn1Primitive to null (i.e. verifies the tag to be BERTags.ASN1_NULL and the content to be empty

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Name seems odd, but this is just an exception-free version of readNull

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fun Source.readTwosComplementInt(nBytes: Int): Int

Consumes exactly nBytes from this source and interprets it as a signed Int

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fun Source.readTwosComplementLong(nBytes: Int): Long

Consumes exactly nBytes from this source and interprets it as a Long.

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fun Source.readTwosComplementUInt(nBytes: Int): UInt

Consumes exactly nBytes remaining data from this source and interprets it as a UInt

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fun Source.readTwosComplementULong(nBytes: Int): ULong

Consumes exactly nBytes from this source and interprets it as a signed ULong.

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Encodes this number using varint encoding as used within ASN.1: groups of seven bits are encoded into a byte, while the highest bit indicates if more bytes are to come

Encodes this number using unsigned VarInt encoding as used within ASN.1: Groups of seven bits are encoded into a byte, while the highest bit indicates if more bytes are to come.

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Encodes a signed Int to a minimum-size twos-complement byte array

Encodes a signed Long to a minimum-size twos-complement byte array

Encodes an unsigned Int to a minimum-size twos-complement byte array

Encodes an unsigned Long to a minimum-size twos-complement byte array

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Encodes an unsigned Int to a minimum-size unsigned byte array

Encodes an unsigned Long to a minimum-size unsigned byte array

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fun Sink.writeAsn1VarInt(number: Asn1Integer): Int
fun Sink.writeAsn1VarInt(number: UInt): Int
fun Sink.writeAsn1VarInt(number: ULong): Int

Encodes this number using varint encoding as used within ASN.1: groups of seven bits are encoded into a byte, while the highest bit indicates if more bytes are to come

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fun Sink.writeMagnitudeLong(number: Long): Int

Encodes a positive Long to a minimum-size unsigned byte array, omitting the leading zero

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fun Sink.writeTwosComplementLong(number: Long): Int

Writes a signed long using twos-complement encoding using the fewest bytes required

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fun Sink.writeTwosComplementUInt(number: UInt): Int

Encodes an unsigned Int to a minimum-size twos-complement byte array

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Encodes an unsigned Long to a minimum-size twos-complement byte array