value class Success<T : CryptoSignature.RawByteEncodable>(val signature: T) : SignatureResult<T> (source)
The signature succeeded. A signature is contained.
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Transforms this SignatureResult into a KmmResult. Both Failure and Error map to KmmResult.Failure.
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inline fun <T : CryptoSignature.RawByteEncodable, S : CryptoSignature.RawByteEncodable> SignatureResult<T>.map( block: (T) -> S): SignatureResult<S>
Modifies the contained CryptoSignature, usually in order to reinterpret it as a more narrow type.
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inline fun <T : CryptoSignature.RawByteEncodable, S : CryptoSignature.RawByteEncodable> SignatureResult<T>.modify( block: KmmResult<T>.() -> KmmResult<S>): SignatureResult<S>
Modifies the contained CryptoSignature, usually in order to reinterpret it as a more narrow type.