Package-level declarations
Structure to declare posession of a particular proof-of-possesion key, to be included in JsonWebToken.confirmationClaim
JSON Web Key as per RFC 7517.
JSON Web Key Set as per RFC 7517
Content of a JWT (JsonWebToken), with many optional keys, since no claim is strongly required.
Representation of a decrypted JSON Web Encryption object, i.e. header and payload.
Representation of an encrypted JSON Web Encryption object, consisting of its 5 parts: Header, encrypted key, IV, ciphertext, authentication tag.
Supported JWE algorithms.
Header of a JweEncrypted or JweDecrypted.
Supported JSON Web Key types.
Since we support only JWS algorithms (with one exception), this class is called what it's called.
Header of a JwsSigned.
Content of a Key Attestation in JWT format, according to OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance
Key types for the Wallet Attestation.
User Authentication types for the Wallet Attestation.
Holds JsonWebKey.keyId when transforming a JsonWebKey to a CryptoPublicKey
Converts a CryptoPublicKey to a JsonWebKey
Tries to find a matching JWS algorithm. Note that JWS imposes curve restrictions on ECDSA based on the digest.