Package-level declarations


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data class ConfirmationClaim(val jsonWebKey: JsonWebKey? = null, val encryptedSymmetricKey: JweEncrypted? = null, val keyId: String? = null, val jsonWebKeySetUrl: String? = null, val jsonWebKeyThumbprint: String? = null, val keyType: WalletAttestationKeyType? = null, val userAuthentication: WalletAttestationUserAuthentication? = null)

Structure to declare posession of a particular proof-of-possesion key, to be included in JsonWebToken.confirmationClaim

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@Serializable(with = JwaSerializer::class)
interface JsonWebAlgorithm
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data class JsonWebKey(val algorithm: JsonWebAlgorithm? = null, val curve: ECCurve? = null, val e: ByteArray? = null, val k: ByteArray? = null, val keyOperations: Set<String>? = null, val keyId: String? = null, val type: JwkType? = null, val n: ByteArray? = null, val publicKeyUse: String? = null, val x: ByteArray? = null, val certificateChain: CertificateChain? = null, val certificateSha1Thumbprint: ByteArray? = null, val certificateUrl: String? = null, val certificateSha256Thumbprint: ByteArray? = null, val y: ByteArray? = null) : SpecializedCryptoPublicKey

JSON Web Key as per RFC 7517.

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data class JsonWebKeySet(val keys: Collection<JsonWebKey>)

JSON Web Key Set as per RFC 7517

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data class JsonWebToken(val issuer: String? = null, val subject: String? = null, val audience: String? = null, val nonce: String? = null, val notBefore: Instant? = null, val issuedAt: Instant? = null, val expiration: Instant? = null, val jwtId: String? = null, val confirmationClaim: ConfirmationClaim? = null, val httpMethod: String? = null, val httpTargetUrl: String? = null, val accessTokenHash: String? = null, val authenticationLevel: String? = null)

Content of a JWT (JsonWebToken), with many optional keys, since no claim is strongly required.

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object JwaSerializer : KSerializer<JsonWebAlgorithm>
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@Serializable(with = JweAlgorithmSerializer::class)
sealed class JweAlgorithm : JsonWebAlgorithm
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object JweAlgorithmSerializer : KSerializer<JweAlgorithm>
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data class JweDecrypted<T : Any>(val header: JweHeader, val payload: T)

Representation of a decrypted JSON Web Encryption object, i.e. header and payload.

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data class JweEncrypted(val header: JweHeader, val headerAsParsed: ByteArray, val encryptedKey: ByteArray? = null, val iv: ByteArray, val ciphertext: ByteArray, val authTag: ByteArray)

Representation of an encrypted JSON Web Encryption object, consisting of its 5 parts: Header, encrypted key, IV, ciphertext, authentication tag.

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object JweEncryptedSerializer : KSerializer<JweEncrypted>
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Supported JWE algorithms.

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object JweEncryptionSerializer : KSerializer<JweEncryption?>
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data class JweHeader(val algorithm: JweAlgorithm?, val encryption: JweEncryption?, val keyId: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val contentType: String? = null, val jsonWebKey: JsonWebKey? = null, val jsonWebKeyUrl: String? = null, val ephemeralKeyPair: JsonWebKey? = null, val agreementPartyUInfo: ByteArray? = null, val agreementPartyVInfo: ByteArray? = null, val initializationVector: ByteArray? = null, val authenticationTag: ByteArray? = null, val certificateUrl: String? = null, val certificateChain: CertificateChain? = null, val certificateSha1Thumbprint: ByteArray? = null, val certificateSha256Thumbprint: ByteArray? = null)

Header of a JweEncrypted or JweDecrypted.

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@Serializable(with = JwkTypeSerializer::class)
enum JwkType : Enum<JwkType>

Supported JSON Web Key types.

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object JwkTypeSerializer : KSerializer<JwkType?>
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Since we support only JWS algorithms (with one exception), this class is called what it's called.

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object JwsAlgorithmSerializer : KSerializer<JwsAlgorithm>
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data class JwsHeader(val keyId: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val algorithm: JwsAlgorithm, val contentType: String? = null, val certificateChain: CertificateChain? = null, val notBefore: Instant? = null, val issuedAt: Instant? = null, val expiration: Instant? = null, val jsonWebKey: JsonWebKey? = null, val jsonWebKeySetUrl: String? = null, val certificateUrl: String? = null, val certificateSha1Thumbprint: ByteArray? = null, val certificateSha256Thumbprint: ByteArray? = null, val attestationJwt: String? = null)

Header of a JwsSigned.

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data class JwsSigned<out P : Any>(val header: JwsHeader, val payload: P, val signature: CryptoSignature.RawByteEncodable, val plainSignatureInput: ByteArray)

Representation of a signed JSON Web Signature object, i.e. consisting of header, payload and signature.

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Key types for the Wallet Attestation.

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User Authentication types for the Wallet Attestation.


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fun CryptoPublicKey.toJsonWebKey(keyId: String? = this.jwkId): JsonWebKey

Converts a CryptoPublicKey to a JsonWebKey

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Tries to find a matching JWS algorithm. Note that JWS imposes curve restrictions on ECDSA based on the digest.