
data class CredentialResponseParameters(val format: CredentialFormatEnum? = null, val credential: String? = null, val acceptanceToken: String? = null, val clientNonce: String? = null, val clientNonceExpiresIn: Duration? = null)(source)


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constructor(format: CredentialFormatEnum? = null, credential: String? = null, acceptanceToken: String? = null, clientNonce: String? = null, clientNonceExpiresIn: Duration? = null)


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object Companion


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@SerialName(value = "acceptance_token")
val acceptanceToken: String? = null

OID4CI: OPTIONAL. A JSON string containing a security token subsequently used to obtain a Credential. MUST be present when credential is not returned.

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@SerialName(value = "c_nonce")
val clientNonce: String? = null

OID4VCI: OPTIONAL. JSON string containing a nonce to be used to create a proof of possession of key material when requesting a Credential. When received, the Wallet MUST use this nonce value for its subsequent credential requests until the Credential Issuer provides a fresh nonce.

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@SerialName(value = "c_nonce_expires_in")
val clientNonceExpiresIn: Duration? = null

OID4VCI: OPTIONAL. JSON integer denoting the lifetime in seconds of the c_nonce.

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@SerialName(value = "credential")
val credential: String? = null

OID4VCI: OPTIONAL. Contains issued Credential. MUST be present when acceptance_token is not returned. MAY be a JSON string or a JSON object, depending on the Credential format.

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@SerialName(value = "format")
val format: CredentialFormatEnum? = null

OID4VCI: OPTIONAL. JSON string denoting the format of the issued Credential.


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