class OpenId4VciClient(openUrlExternally: suspend (String) -> Unit, engine: HttpClientEngine, cookiesStorage: CookiesStorage? = null, httpClientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit? = null, storeProvisioningContext: suspend (ProvisioningContext) -> Unit, loadProvisioningContext: suspend () -> ProvisioningContext?, loadClientAttestationJwt: suspend () -> String, cryptoService: CryptoService, holderAgent: HolderAgent, redirectUrl: String, clientId: String)(source)
Implements the client side of OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance - draft 14.
Supported features:
Pre-authorized grants
Authentication code flows
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constructor(openUrlExternally: suspend (String) -> Unit, engine: HttpClientEngine, cookiesStorage: CookiesStorage? = null, httpClientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit? = null, storeProvisioningContext: suspend (ProvisioningContext) -> Unit, loadProvisioningContext: suspend () -> ProvisioningContext?, loadClientAttestationJwt: suspend () -> String, cryptoService: CryptoService, holderAgent: HolderAgent, redirectUrl: String, clientId: String)
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Loads credential metadata info from host
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suspend fun loadCredentialWithOffer(credentialOffer: CredentialOffer, credentialIdentifierInfo: CredentialIdentifierInfo, transactionCode: String? = null, requestedAttributes: Set<NormalizedJsonPath>?): KmmResult<Unit>
Loads a user-selected credential with pre-authorized code from the OID4VCI credential issuer
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Called after getting the redirect back from ID Austria to the Issuing Service
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suspend fun startProvisioningWithAuthRequest(credentialIssuer: String, credentialIdentifierInfo: CredentialIdentifierInfo, requestedAttributes: Set<NormalizedJsonPath>?): KmmResult<Unit>
Starts the issuing process at credentialIssuer