
class RequestParametersFromSerializer<T : RequestParameters>(parameterSerializer: KSerializer<T>) : KSerializer<RequestParametersFrom<T>> (source)

In order to de-/serialize generic types we need a kind of factory approach Because we deal with a sealed class we can use an intermediary jsonSerializer, find the correct object and the specific type of the generic type and then finalize the serialization

In order to de-/serialize JwsSigned which itself is again a generic class we use the fact that we can find the class of parameters before we need to know the generic class of JwsSigned. To serialize we use JwsSignedSerializer.


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constructor(parameterSerializer: KSerializer<T>)


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open override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor


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open override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): RequestParametersFrom<T>
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open override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: RequestParametersFrom<T>)