Simple authorization server implementation, to be used for CredentialIssuer, with the actual authentication and authorization logic implemented in strategy.
Implemented from OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance , Draft 14, 2024-08-21.
Serve this result JSON-serialized under /.well-known/openid-configuration
Used in several fields in OAuth2AuthorizationServerMetadata, to provide endpoint URLs to clients.
Whether this authorization server includes at.asitplus.openid.TokenResponseParameters.clientNonce it its token response, i.e. whether the CredentialIssuer needs to verify it using verifyClientNonce.
Builds the authentication response. Send this result as HTTP Header Location
in a 302 response to the client.
Get the OidcUserInfoExtended (holding at.asitplus.openid.OidcUserInfo) associated with the accessToken, that was created before at the Authorization Server.
Provide necessary OAuth2AuthorizationServerMetadata JSON for a client to be able to authenticate
Provide a pre-authorized code (for flow defined in OID4VCI), to be used by the Wallet implementation to load credentials.
Verifies the authorization code sent by the client and issues an access token. Send this value JSON-serialized back to the client.
Called by CredentialIssuer to verify that nonces contained in proof-of-possession statements from clients are indeed valid.