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Strategy to implement authentication and authorization in SimpleAuthorizationService.

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class OAuth2Client(val clientId: String = "", val redirectUrl: String = "/callback", stateToCodeStore: MapStore<String, String> = DefaultMapStore())

Simple OAuth 2.0 client to authorize the client against an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server and request tokens.

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class SimpleAuthorizationService(strategy: AuthorizationServiceStrategy, codeService: CodeService = DefaultCodeService(), tokenService: NonceService = DefaultNonceService(), clientNonceService: NonceService = DefaultNonceService(), val publicContext: String = "", authorizationEndpointPath: String = "/authorize", tokenEndpointPath: String = "/token", codeToCodeChallengeStore: MapStore<String, String> = DefaultMapStore(), codeToUserInfoStore: MapStore<String, OidcUserInfoExtended> = DefaultMapStore(), accessTokenToUserInfoStore: MapStore<String, OidcUserInfoExtended> = DefaultMapStore()) : OAuth2AuthorizationServerAdapter

Simple authorization server implementation, to be used for CredentialIssuer, with the actual authentication and authorization logic implemented in strategy.