
data class CscDocumentDigest(val hashes: Hashes, val hashAlgorithmOid: ObjectIdentifier? = null, val signatureFormat: SignatureFormat, val conformanceLevel: ConformanceLevel? = null, val signAlgoOid: ObjectIdentifier, val signAlgoParams: Asn1Element? = null, val signedProps: List<JsonObject>? = null, val signedEnvelopeProperty: SignedEnvelopeProperty? = null)(source)

CSC: Class used as part of SignatureRequestParameters


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constructor(hashes: Hashes, hashAlgorithmOid: ObjectIdentifier? = null, signatureFormat: SignatureFormat, conformanceLevel: ConformanceLevel? = null, signAlgoOid: ObjectIdentifier, signAlgoParams: Asn1Element? = null, signedProps: List<JsonObject>? = null, signedEnvelopeProperty: SignedEnvelopeProperty? = null)


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@SerialName(value = "conformance_level")
val conformanceLevel: ConformanceLevel? = null

Requested conformance level. If omitted its value is "AdES-B-B"

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val hashAlgorithm: Digest
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@SerialName(value = "hashAlgorithmOID")
val hashAlgorithmOid: ObjectIdentifier? = null

Hashing algorithm OID used to calculate document(s) hash(es). This parameter MAY be omitted or ignored if the hash algorithm is implicitly specified by the signAlgo algorithm. Only hashing algorithms as strong or stronger than SHA256 SHALL be used

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@SerialName(value = "hashes")
val hashes: Hashes

One or more hash values representing one or more SDRs. This parameter SHALL contain the Base64-encoded hash(es) of the documents to be signed. Does not use hashes serializer as it is defined as array of string instead of string.

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@SerialName(value = "signAlgo")
val signAlgoOid: ObjectIdentifier

The OID of the algorithm to use for signing

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@SerialName(value = "signAlgoParams")
val signAlgoParams: Asn1Element? = null

The Base64-encoded DER-encoded ASN.1 signature algorithm parameters if required by the signature algorithm - Necessary for RSASSA-PSS for example

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val signAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm?
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@SerialName(value = "signature_format")
val signatureFormat: SignatureFormat

Requested Signature Format

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@SerialName(value = "signed_envelope_property")
val signedEnvelopeProperty: SignedEnvelopeProperty? = null

if omitted/null it is assumed to have value SignedEnvelopeProperty.defaultProperty(signatureFormat)

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@SerialName(value = "signed_props")
val signedProps: List<JsonObject>? = null

Defined in CSC v2.0.0.2 P. 81 Defines a second way to encode all attributes, none of which are necessary Will be ignored until use-case arises


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int