class OAuth2Client(val clientId: String = "https://wallet.a-sit.at/app", val redirectUrl: String = "/callback", stateToCodeStore: MapStore<String, String> = DefaultMapStore())(source)
Simple OAuth 2.0 client to authorize the client against an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server and request tokens.
Can be used in OID4VCI flows, e.g. WalletService.
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Used to create AuthenticationRequestParameters, TokenRequestParameters and CredentialRequestProof, typically a URI.
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Used to create AuthenticationRequestParameters and TokenRequestParameters.
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suspend fun createAuthRequest(state: String, authorizationDetails: Set<AuthorizationDetails>? = null, scope: String? = null, resource: String? = null, issuerState: String? = null): AuthenticationRequestParameters
Send the result as parameters (either POST or GET) to the server at /authorize
(or more specific OAuth2AuthorizationServerMetadata.authorizationEndpoint).
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suspend fun createTokenRequestParameters(state: String, authorization: OAuth2Client.AuthorizationForToken, authorizationDetails: Set<AuthorizationDetails>? = null, scope: String? = null, resource: String? = null): TokenRequestParameters
Request token with an authorization code, e.g. from createAuthRequest, or pre-auth code.
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