
data class RequestedCredentialClaimSpecification(val mandatory: Boolean? = null, val valueType: String? = null, val display: Collection<DisplayProperties>? = null)(source)


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constructor(mandatory: Boolean? = null, valueType: String? = null, display: Collection<DisplayProperties>? = null)


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@SerialName(value = "display")
val display: Collection<DisplayProperties>? = null

OID4VCI: OPTIONAL. An array of objects, where each object contains display properties of a certain claim in the Credential for a certain language. There MUST be only one object with the same language identifier.

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@SerialName(value = "mandatory")
val mandatory: Boolean? = null

OID4VCI: Boolean which when set to true indicates the claim MUST be present in the issued Credential. If the mandatory property is omitted its default should be assumed to be false.

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@SerialName(value = "value_type")
val valueType: String? = null

OID4VCI: OPTIONAL. String value determining type of value of the claim.