
data class Document(val document: ByteArray, val signatureFormat: SignatureFormat, val conformanceLevel: ConformanceLevel? = null, val signAlgoOid: ObjectIdentifier, val signAlgoParams: Asn1Element? = null, val signedProps: List<JsonObject>? = null, val signedEnvelopeProperty: SignedEnvelopeProperty? = null)(source)

CSC: Class used as part of SignatureRequestParameters


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constructor(document: ByteArray, signatureFormat: SignatureFormat, conformanceLevel: ConformanceLevel? = null, signAlgoOid: ObjectIdentifier, signAlgoParams: Asn1Element? = null, signedProps: List<JsonObject>? = null, signedEnvelopeProperty: SignedEnvelopeProperty? = null)


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@SerialName(value = "conformance_level")
val conformanceLevel: ConformanceLevel? = null

Requested conformance level. If omitted its value is "Ades-B-B"

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@SerialName(value = "document")
@Serializable(with = ByteArrayBase64Serializer::class)
val document: ByteArray

base64-encoded document content to be signed

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@SerialName(value = "signAlgo")
val signAlgoOid: ObjectIdentifier

The OID of the algorithm to use for signing

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@SerialName(value = "signAlgoParams")
val signAlgoParams: Asn1Element? = null

The Base64-encoded DER-encoded ASN.1 signature parameters

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val signAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm?
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@SerialName(value = "signature_format")
val signatureFormat: SignatureFormat

Requested Signature Format

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@SerialName(value = "signed_envelope_property")
val signedEnvelopeProperty: SignedEnvelopeProperty? = null

if omitted/null it is assumed to have value SignedEnvelopeProperty.defaultProperty(signatureFormat)

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@SerialName(value = "signed_props")
val signedProps: List<JsonObject>? = null

Defined in CSC v2.0.0.2 P. 81 Defines a second way to encode all attributes, none of which are necessary Will be ignored until use-case arises


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int