
class OpenId4VpWallet(openUrlExternally: suspend (String) -> Unit, engine: HttpClientEngine, httpClientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit? = null, cryptoService: CryptoService, holderAgent: HolderAgent)(source)

Implements the wallet side of Self-Issued OpenID Provider v2 - draft 13 and OpenID for Verifiable Presentations - draft 21


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constructor(openUrlExternally: suspend (String) -> Unit, engine: HttpClientEngine, httpClientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit? = null, cryptoService: CryptoService, holderAgent: HolderAgent)


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Calls oidcSiopWallet to finalize the authentication response. In case the result shall be POSTed to the verifier, we call client to do that, and optionally openUrlExternally with the redirect_uri of that POST. In case the result shall be sent as a redirect to the verifier, we call openUrlExternally.

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Calls oidcSiopWallet to create the authentication response. In case the result shall be POSTed to the verifier, we call client to do that, and optionally openUrlExternally with the redirect_uri of that POST. In case the result shall be sent as a redirect to the verifier, we call openUrlExternally.