
object Errors(source)

Error codes for OAuth2 responses


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const val INVALID_CODE: String

Invalid (or already used) authorization code: invalid_code

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Invalid grant: invalid_grant

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Invalid or missing proofs in OpenId4VCI: invalid_or_missing_proof

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OIDC SIOPv2: the client_metadata parameter contains an invalid RP parameter Object.

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OIDC SIOPv2: the client_metadata_uri in the Self-Issued OpenID Provider request returns an error or contains invalid data.

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Invalid request in general: invalid_request

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Invalid access token: invalid_token

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OIDC SIOPv2: Self-Issued OP does not support some Relying Party parameter values received in the request.

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OIDC SIOPv2: Self-Issued OP does not support any of the Subject Syntax Types supported by the RP, which were communicated in the request in the subject_syntax_types_supported parameter.

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OIDC SIOPv2: End-User cancelled the Authorization Request from the RP.